Far-Right protesters clash with police in London as demonstration turns violent

Far-Right protesters clash with police in London as demonstration turns violent


by SeaCrawler_Smeller

  1. ffs. The government need to crack down on this now as otherwise they’re going to be seen as weak and this is going to be an ongoing thing.

  2. No excuse for this. This appears, from what we know, to be a random attack.

    No indication this is a Rotherham or Cologne style situation.

    Not to mention the looting done to innocent business owners in Southport

  3. First Southport, then London, it’s the middle of the week do they not have jobs??

  4. How ironic that many of these will argue that we have to be worried about single fighting age males flooding the country to “put us all in danger” while simultaneously these civil unrests are undertaken on masse by fighting age males.

    SMH. Any excuse to kick off and they are at it

  5. Notice how there was no riot or uproar after the Kyle Clifford murder? Probably something to do with him having a “normal” english sounding name.

    All it takes is one TikTok saying some murderer is muslim and these 0 GCSE cretins come out of nowhere and use a tragedy as an excuse to be violent.

  6. Are these the same people who keep going on about assimilation? Are immigrants not rioting enough for their liking?

  7. Where are all the people condemning violence against the police from the last week? Where are all the people that said it was ‘the usuals’ that were rioting in Leeds?

    The silence speaks volumes lmao

  8. It’s a good job that record numbers of police officers aren’t resigning, especially within their first five years of service (which compromises the bulk of public order trained officers for most forces), given all of this disorder over recent days.

    Oh, wait…

  9. I’m sure these would’ve been the same people last week saying the police aren’t respected enough and need the freedom to do whatever they want to people fighting the police.

  10. So the police are kettling them now and they’re starting to go around, grabbing people one by one lol.

    It’s too funny watching some of these people screeching.

  11. Condemned without hesitation and hoping lots of arrests and sentences.

    People should condemn all civil disorder of this nature and not just pick and chose.

  12. My lord it’s just depressing, you just know it’s going to continue over the weekend, these people don’t care for the kids they want to use it to fuel hate to a religion that has been confirmed wasn’t involved, what a sad state to see our country in

  13. honestly i fucking despair. some cretins on twitter are saying it’s kicked off because they weren’t allowed down downing street. of course you’re not, no public are allowed. especially after you think a flare is going to melt the gates. i actually despair at the state of things, innocent people are going to get killed

    i said this on another post but the same thing applies to these cretins:

    bet these thugs were the ones frothing about the manchester airport police altercation because someone not white attacked the police

    they’ll go feral over ‘two-tier policing’ in this case but won’t consider the fact that this thuggery had a target (the mosque) and the harehills riot was a giant tantrum with no target. they can’t consider the fact that if they did set the southport mosque on fire, it would’ve spread to nearby housing and could’ve killed (most likely white) people. the mob was (and still is) baying for blood

  14. Same thing happening in Hartlepool, saw a livestream where a woman handed her kid a brick to throw at the police, what a sad few days

  15. Charge Robinson, Fox and everyone else involved, throw the absolute book at them, make examples of them that violence will not be tolerated. This isn’t a protest, this is a football hooligan scrap

  16. Anyone concerned about bad actors stirring shit up, and social media companies like Twitter and TikTok stoking tensions, might want to let your MP know. I shall be doing so tomorrow.

  17. Same folk who were asking why all those Romanians had time mid-week to riot, surely they all have jobs to go to?

  18. Why is one of the papers directly responsible for spreading hatred and division the source on this subject? I hold papers like the telegraph responsible for what happened.

  19. >Crowds descended on central London at 7pm for the Enough is Enough rally, promoted by Tommy Robinson and actor Laurence Fox

    Can they now be arrested for inciting a riot?

  20. Oh look, the far right kick off like we were warned about.

    No one can say they never seen this coming.

    Surprised it’s taken them this long to be honest.

    Suppose it’s decent weather at the minute and the kids are off school.

    Bit of rain will clear them all off.

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