Léon Marchand absolutely destroying everyone. He just has no rivals in this Olympics

Léon Marchand absolutely destroying everyone. He just has no rivals in this Olympics

Posted by Juliancito135

  1. The whole last 50 was crazy, but you could straight up see the effort and desire in the last 15m. That was absolutely a home Olympics boost.

  2. He didn’t destroy everyone he won in the last 20 meters lol, but yes it was an incredible race best so far of the Olympics imo.

  3. I’ve been watching swimming a long time and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a more impressive 50m than what Marchand did in the last 50 there. Completely insane. What an effort.

  4. I got goosebumps watching the final 50m! Moments like these are why I love the Olympics.

  5. That’s what we call a silver-bronze only finale lmaooo. We been knew he would get the gold! GG France!

  6. He’s an alien but respect to Milak the beast who made this run so much more electric and who’s coming back from very far (he had a big depression after his father’s death last year).

  7. I expected to see him being 2nd before and for all 1st 150m, but last 50m it was obvious this guy is crazy good

    The camera showing the return omfg

    I almost cried

  8. I selfishly hope he gets a lot of press in the U.S. as well once he returns to Austin, TX for training post-Games. I’d love to see more interviews with him.

    Big congrats to France! What a phenomenal competitor and talent.

  9. All i heard on the french commentary being replayed:

    Marchand, tres bien! Allez!! Allez, Allez! Magnefique!

    Oui! You betcha! 🤩

  10. I fucking screamed at the bar when he overtook the hungarian guy. What a great momemt

  11. It’s honestly quite impressive that Milak was even able to put up a fight here.

    For anyone not in the know, Milak withdrew from world championships last summer for both mental and physical reasons, saying that he’s “hit rock bottom”. He entered the World Cup in October but then pulled out a couple days before it started, with his trainer saying he was out of shape.

    In December, Milak’s coach publicly said that Milak basically hadn’t done anything in the past couple months and that he was worried about Milak’s performance. And then in May of this year, his coach had this to say about him (translated from Hungarian):

    “I can say the same thing I said after the national championship: Kristóf is strong and fast, but his endurance is far from what it used to be. This is a direct consequence of the training work he has done so far. Maybe outsiders think he is capable of a miracle, but today’s swimming has shown that there are laws in this sport that are difficult to override. Although Paris is the goal, it has to be said that what has happened so far contains just traces of Olympic preparation.”

  12. And in the midst of all that hullaballoo he stole the Olympic record, no less.

  13. You can tell Milak knew a surge was coming. Every so often he’d breathe towards Marchand to get a glimpse. Gotta keep the head forward and swim your race

  14. Léon Marchand ? More like L’eau en Marchant (“water by walking” -> “walking on water”) 😄

  15. Too bad he doesn’t swim a fifth event. I would’ve liked to see him try to match Phelps.

  16. The US needs to stop training all these other countries gold medalists if we want to stay number one lol

  17. But the race before this hasn’t he Lost? But i don’t Remember which was.

  18. I just came here after watching him win the breaststroke gold less than 2 hours later. Beast

  19. Wasn’t he trained by Micheal Phelps’s trainer and then by Phelps himself? Then beat Phelps 23 year record? Dudes just getting started

  20. And he just did it again. Wrecked the 200m breastroke. Absolute madman, at the home Olympics no less.

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