Tibet: A View From The Top Of The World, With Lobsang Sangay

Tibet: A View From The Top Of The World, With Lobsang Sangay


Posted by HooverInstitution

1 comment
  1. Former National Security Advisor [H.R. McMaster](https://www.hoover.org/profiles/h-r-mcmaster) interviews Lobbing Sangay, former *sikyong*, or prime minister in exile, of the Central Tibetan Administration from 2011 to 2021. Prior to taking this role, Sangay was an academic at Harvard Law School, where he organized multiple conferences between Tibetan, Western, and Chinese scholars, including the Dalai Lama. 

    Prime Minister Sangay shares his insights on how the Chinese Community Party subjugates the Tibetan people, how to foster unity and strengthen a movement in exile, his assessment of the Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act, recently signed by President Biden, and what Americans can do to advocate for the rights of the Tibetan people.

    In what ways are actions taken by the PRC against Tibet indicative of how China is likely to approach Hong Kong and Taiwan in the future?

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