‘Bombed’: Critics say ‘racist’ Trump ‘destroyed himself’ at NABJ event

‘Bombed’: Critics say ‘racist’ Trump ‘destroyed himself’ at NABJ event


Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. Wasn’t just critics. It was so bad the idiots who thought it was a good idea for him to do it in the first place had to cut him off he was doing so poorly.

  2. *Good work Drump! It was the best town hall ever – everyone says so. Also lots of chatter on the interwebs about how stable and genius you were too! Getting cut short was simply because you were too good and need to keep some awesomeness for the rest of us!*

  3. The time America has wasted on this jerk off, could have been spent forming A More Perfect Union. What a colossal waste of precious time and the Criminal is still walking around free

  4. Trump wants blacks to love him without question. When they don’t he gets upset! 

  5. What a fucking racist pos. Whiny little rapist whined the whole time. Fucking pedo weirdo

  6. good. keep putting him in situations where he has to actually answer questions without a crowd of maga cult worshippers to cheer him on.

  7. I just saw footage of this. I hate watching trump. Always avoid it. But I had to see this from the reports. It was atrocious. I’m amazed anyone supports this obvious racist. 

  8. This moment was worse than the debate where we knew Biden was going to win the “will ya shut up man” debate

  9. Well. Put a white racist in a room full of black humans and let them improvise for a while and that’s what’s going to happen. Fuck Don Old and all his weirdo shit.

  10. I am still in shock he tried to claim he was the best president for black people, at a black event.

    He is even more stupid than we thought.

  11. Oh yeah, put the super weird oblivious racist guy in a room full of educated black ladies, what could go wrong? 😁

    Is anybody even running his campaign anymore or did they just hang it up? What an obviously stupid move.

  12. Don’t worry, his weird bitch ass will run to Fox and talk about how he was treated so unfairly and they were mean and they’ll baby him and kiss his ass to make him feel better. Fuck his weird old ass.

  13. The sad part is him being a felon should have already disqualified him to run for elections, but this is America

  14. Just another day for Trump. He will survive this disgrace just like he’s survived all the others. No bottom for him or his supporters.

  15. He bombs ANYTIME someone is actually allowed to ask him a real question. It would hilarious if the consequences weren’t so frightening

  16. I was seriously wondering why on earth they would invite this man to come speak. Then, after the first question, I understood.

    All the jeers at his insane batshit racist verbal diarrhea was wonderful, I could just hear his voter count dropping.

  17. Man trump is bombing worst than a Ukrainian drone attack on Russian military bases 😆

  18. I know he’s talked about this before but mentioning the cognitive test and how he challenged Biden to a test off. I’ve seen this test. This test is to make sure you know where you are and not wander into traffic sort of test.
    It’s scary to think that the republican presidential candidate is flexing his ability to circle pictures of animals and count backwards.

  19. Thundercunt got angry that they did not kiss his diaper and went straight to the real questions. What a pathetic weirdo. Seems too old and frail to be a president.

  20. “Its obvious Trump doesn’t respect black women”

    Trump doesnt respect women, period.

  21. I doubt that this will actually hurt Donald much.

    His bigotry is hardly a secret. His supporters are fine with racism, anti-trans, and other hateful attitudes.

    Trump’s handlers may, in fact, have sent him to this event fully aware of how it would blow up. The response from the organizers and attendees will result in MAGAts feeling even more protective of their false messiah.

    While we are working hard to appeal to a broader range of voters, on the other side they’re convinced they only need their base.

    Flaunting his ignorance is seen by his cult as a legitimate way to energize that base.

  22. Next have him speak at an Anti-Defamation League event. That would go just about as well.

  23. If you want a laugh head over to the con sub for their take. I’ll give you a preview

    “Aahhh brigaders!!!”

    “Oooh libtards mad they can’t comment in our safe space”

    “This was an absolute win for Trump”

    “Kamala didn’t show up she’s a coward unlike my god trump”

  24. Where is The NY Times endless articles saying Drumpf is unfit for office and should drop out? I’ll wait 🙄

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