

by FredEmmer14

  1. Should Finland be thrown in with the Slavs though?

    I thought they are more Asian/Mongolian?

  2. maybe if you put it a bit canted perhaps, because no way in hell a part of hungary is hellenic

  3. the slavs have completely destroyed the mongol heritage in europe, i will always be a part of the horde

  4. Serbians being called Hellenic is truly one of the things i have seen today

  5. Finns are a seperate category.

    Their language/noises isn’t even related to the most primitive, theoretical forms of proto-germanic, old latin or basic tribal babble (slavic).

  6. Including turkey and the Balkans in “Hellenics” feels like a diberate insult.

  7. I just looked it up and the place where all lines meet is a Hungarian town named Vasvár. It’s kinda funny because from the images it does kinda look like an amalgamation of all four groups.

  8. I like the Romans group. Feel bad for Celtic friends that got caught in the Germanic side (ugh, Germanics). Slavs side is way too far away for me to actually care. And Greece… I’m sorry for what they’ve done to you.

  9. Austria Gets all this new territory but without South Tyrol we are still not whole 🙁

  10. Kōnstantinos Dragasēs Palaiologos wants to know your location. Jokes aside, today even Russians claim to be the “Third Rome” so idk what to tell you.

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