Eine zwei Pfund schwere ukrainische Drohne hat gerade einen 12 Tonnen schweren russischen Hubschrauber abgeschossen

Eine zwei Pfund schwere ukrainische Drohne hat gerade einen 12 Tonnen schweren russischen Hubschrauber abgeschossen


  1. That’s awesome. I’ve seen a few videos of near misses with Ukrainian FPV drones against helicopters. Sounds like they finally had success.

  2. Weapons are going to continue to get smaller and smaller to escape detection. You’d better stay ahead of the game.

  3. Rough googling says the copter is between 4-5 million, that drone was what… $200? $400

  4. Would you be as impressed if the title was “a two pounds guided missile ” …

  5. Wow! That’s a real “small little guy” defeats “really really big guy” scenario!

  6. We celebrate this now, but in a few years swarms of cheap drones will be taking out commercial airliners.

    Pandora’s Box has been opened

  7. What are war drones, if not interactive flying binoculars and/or short range missiles?

  8. Pound for pound, what a bargain. A drone knocking out military spec Russian helicopter.

    Granted, luck, timing and skill of drone operator all played part in this successful attack. After all, drone cannot fly as fast or match the height helicopter typically fly so it had to be targeted exactly the moment helicopter is about to land or fly from ground.

    Scratch one Russian helicopter. They’re not exactly cheap either.

  9. These actual combat results will ramp up drone tech for the military.
    Next time we will be hearing about silent sniper drones lmao.

  10. Its cool but nothing new to warfare. Like a club defeating an armored knight, a molotov disabling a tank worth millions, its always been part of war. Sometimes cheap is good enough

  11. This is what WWIII will look like.

    You’re sitting in a trench, when suddenly you hear a faint buzzing noise off in the distance.

    5 seconds later, your chest is full of shrapnel, your fingers are blown off, and if you’re still alive after being hit point blank by an FPV drone, you’ll likely be blind, deaf, and permanently impaired for the rest of your life.

  12. They needed a 2 pound drone?

    I could take down a russian copter with a 1oz rock.

  13. This might lead to more restrictions against me flying my drone recreationally, but you know what, I’m not even mad

  14. That operator must have creamed their pants when they saw what they had taken out.

  15. Get this. A bullet weighing a few grams can take out an adult weighing over 100kg!

  16. It’s a simple question of weight ratios! A five ounce bird cannot carry a one pound coconut!

  17. I mean usually relatively small weapons are used to target big things yes? But anyway happy hunting

  18. That means it can shoot down a gas station or dried out woodlands too. Drone assassinations are going to be scary.

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