Von der venezolanischen Opposition vorgelegte Wahlergebnisse deuten auf eine entscheidende Niederlage Maduros hin

Von der venezolanischen Opposition vorgelegte Wahlergebnisse deuten auf eine entscheidende Niederlage Maduros hin


  1. Yes, but wait until Maduro presents his ballots that he counted personally. All the X are done with the same sharpie of course, but did you know he won with 120% of all electoral votes?

  2. No surprise here that Maduro lost. What’s surprising in a way is how opposition managed to purloin election data without getting caught by Maduro’s henchmen.

    Maduro know he is a goner if he let go the power he is desperately trying to hold on to so he need to be evicted which will not be possible so long as military stand by him.

  3. Maduro has spent the last decade+ consolidating his power and filling the upper ranks with fierce loyalists. It will be difficult to peel back the layers that’s he’s insulated himself with, but the will of the people is strong so we shall see

    edit: if you want an example of the type of fierce loyalists that have been promoted to positions of power, [here’s a bio on Granko Arreaga, the head of the Special Affairs Unit of the military intelligence service.](https://www.infobae.com/en/2022/03/27/granko-arteaga-the-man-with-a-thousand-faces-and-businesses-who-controls-the-fearsome-special-affairs-unit-of-the-venezuelan-military-intelligence-service/#:~:text=Alexander%20Enrique%20Granko%20Arteaga%20is,where%20terrible%20torture%20has%20occurred.)In addition to the tortures and killings, they document the vast corruption that he and the others in power partake in.

  4. AFAIK Venezuelan politics have mostly been a matter of their vast oil reserves.

    Who wants corporate managed oil to benefit stockholders like the US has?

    Who wants state controlled oil that benefits the country like Saudi Arabia has?

  5. So, the far right goons who are funded (and armed) by right wing billionaires in the USA say that we need to “stop the steal”… I feel like I’ve seen this episode before.

  6. He did! He is the new Fidel Castro… careful America, Trump is sounding like that

  7. I think it’s getting to the point where even Maduros crew has had enough. So much though that the opposition was able to get the actual results with help from Maduros people

  8. Watching the college tankies swarm to support her another 3rd world dictatorship from the comfort of their iphones it’s just revolting.

  9. The Carter Center, the only non-regime-aligned international observers allowed in the country, which have been monitoring elections in Venezuela since 1998, [said in their statement about the elections](https://www.cartercenter.org/news/pr/2024/venezuela-073024.html) that they cannot be considered democratic pointing out, among many things, the lack of transparency of the National Electoral Council. These elections were a sham and Maduro is nothing more than an illegitimate dictator.

  10. I never understood why we had a venezuelan family in my school growing up until now.

    Who was in charge back at 99 -00? I think they appeared in the late 90s.

    Im in Maine by the way. The most northeastern state.. on a peinsula on the coast. People of color were rare to see in my town growing up

  11. How in 2024 is there even a way to interpret election results other than zeros and ones.

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