Pedro is so useless, even Kosovo is better

Pedro is so useless, even Kosovo is better

by Pierre_Francois_

  1. I blame the organisation committee. Too many disciplines would require the athlete to be awake at one point or another during siesta’s regular time.

  2. Well, Pedro without Tiki Tika and Dr Fuentes becomes inoffensive immediately

  3. It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish. 😎

    *Wins two more bronzes and refuses to elaborate further.*

  4. Sadly I think there will be a couple medals in things like triple jump and stuff like that. Luckily they would be won by black athletes so we will have spanish tears anyway.

  5. Sadly in Spain we don’t have a big Olympic culture. We really do nothing to encourage more people to become Olympians or help them in any significant way along their training.

    We clearly have some of the best athletes in the world so I really think if we just copied Italy’s approach to this matter we could be doing amazingly at the Olympics.

  6. haha they’ve only won one medal so far… pathetic.


  7. Sorry. We can’t hear you over the sound of Wimbledon’s trophy… what were you saying?

  8. Spain doesn’t recognize Kosovo existence, it’s just more medals for Serbia.

  9. It’s because we’re still enjoying the well earned siesta from killing you all in the Euros

  10. It’s quite funny to see the comments from some Italians on Twitter saying that we don’t win medals because there’s strict anti-doping control in the Olympics:

    [“Controlli più stretti negli sport olimpici, i tuoi colleghi non si possono scatenare come nel ciclismo o tennis”](

    There are many cases of positive doping tests after the Olympics. For example, Lydia Valentín, a Spanish weightlifter, was awarded the gold medal from the London 2012 Olympics after it was proven that the three athletes who initially placed above her had doped:


    Imagine being so naive as to believe that the Olympics are completely clean lmao

  11. I remember you talking about us recently about this topic, are you obsessed with us Pierre??.

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