Supreme Court Justices by Gifts Received Each Year [OC]

Supreme Court Justices by Gifts Received Each Year [OC]

Posted by YutongH

  1. What happened in 2013? Must be no records for that year. No way they were clean for 12 months in a row!

  2. 1. How is this constitutional?
    2. How are they immune from prosecution/punishment?

    Make it make sense.

  3. Scale really minimizes the huge discrepancy between Thomas/Alito and all other justices.

  4. The only thing logarithmic graphs are good for is linearizing exponential data (edit: and looking at noise). In all other cases, it obscures the data and confuses non-STEMs.

  5. No offense, but this is pretty bad – basically impossible to glean anything from this past “blue line shows up a lot”. Even from that, I can only be sure that’s Thomas and not Barrett because I know the context for it. IMO, this is a case where just showing the table itself is probably more clear – [whipped it up myself here](

  6. Your colors choices are too close together. I’ve got a decent eye for color and even I can barely tell your yellows and oranges apart.

  7. Using logarithmic scale on this, particularly with the y-axis cut off where it is, is borderline unethical.

  8. Great first pass, here are some things to make it better.


    1) Background color white or off-white
    2) use a regular scale not log scale
    3) use distinct colors; certain shades of blue in your graph are indistinguishable on mobile
    4) Decrease the gap width so bars are thicker & increase the chart’s size on page
    5) Legend on the bottom of page
    6) sources/notes on the bottom left of page
    7) add some call outs “Thomas’s largest gift was $100k from Epstein…” “only one justice has received zero gifts” “Total gifts to justices in 2008 were $X.00” etc.

    Keep analyzing important data! Consider a bubble graph representing time & size; color by justice

  9. Wow, I guess it’d just be a bunch of random blue lines if it wasn’t logarithmic

  10. Yeah this graph is misleading for what it wants to tell, it took me a while to notice that it has a logarithmic scale on the Y. Please OP fix it. Also I would like to see a total-cumulative donations from 2004

  11. Thomas gets a lot of gifts! I wonder if his cases does he side with the person giving the gifts? Also this is what they declared to the court how much and who gave the gifts?

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