Omg. JD Vance is Indian 😂

Omg. JD Vance is Indian 😂

Posted by Hobbes898

  1. I am okay with this pic cause he was doing it for a marriage ceremony at the request of his new wife, it’s not like black face or people who dress up like other cultures just for the fun of it…I mean he’s still a weirdo, just not for this.

  2. To closely paraphrase the words of a smart man, maybe the smartest man ever, a lot of people say that:

    Vance was always of Indian heritage, and he was only promoting Indian heritage. I did not know he was White until a number of years ago when he happened to turn White, and now he wants to be known as White.

    I respect either one but he obviously doesn’t, because he was Indian all the way, and then all of a sudden, he made a turn and … he became White. … Somebody should look into that, too.

    Is he Indian or is he White?

  3. The same racist people who pretend to not know that Kamala is biracial seem to be keenly aware that JDs kids are.

  4. Well, darn it! JD Couch, oops, I meant Vance, doesn’t know who he is. Did he just become Indian or is he White. He must be, Felon, Trump’s DEI Indian VP pick. I’m just so confused. Drumpf-Trump’s racism can’t even make it to the end of a day before it backhand slaps him so hard, that dead rat on his head, jumps up and starts laughing.

  5. Given the changed religions, names, etc., one could think of him as an “Indian Giver”

  6. I love traditional Indian weddings. I’m glad he was able to celebrate in her culture.

    That being said, the people he thinks he represents, totally hate this.

  7. I know JD Vance, not directly, but indirectly. He’s always identified as Indian. Always. And then one day he turns white. All of a sudden, he’s white.

  8. I’m starting to think team tRump didn’t vet this guy that much. I guarantee some shit for brains staffer watched ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ and floated this guy to Orange Man lmao

    *A rural guy ideology? A Hollywood movie with his name? Get him on my ticket! The big truck guys are going to eat this shit up!”*

  9. i would feel bad for his wife but she went to yale, she didn’t have to settle for the first white guy who smiled at her. she could’ve picked any other person who aligned with her politically, socially, emotionally, etc. but it’s that minority thing for some types of women in which you want to ‘lighten’ the race

  10. It’s ironic Vance has bi racial indian kids and they are watching their dad be a racist dick a biracial indian candidate.

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