Donald Trump mocks Kamala Harris’ racial identity at Black journalists event

Donald Trump mocks Kamala Harris’ racial identity at Black journalists event

Posted by KittyHawkWind

  1. Scottish people despise him, and his grandfather fled Germany to avoid conscription.

  2. Rambling on and on without saying anything.

    Didn’t hear one solution to any problem he mentioned, just bad talking America and acting like an ass to those who asked for specifics.

  3. Yes, surely this will attract independents and garner me support from minorities…

  4. i hope i get old enough to see how this period of history is post analyzed and documented in the way that things like Mccarthyism, the satanic panic etc was. It will be interesting and probably scary to see the knock on sociological impacts.

    Lets hope we all get old enough to see it eh, not lookin too bright is it.

  5. Beyond weird – not making sense to try to compete on blackness nor question how black somebody is. Sure some people are not geniuses but that is insulting everybody’s intelligence on both sides.

  6. This Silent Generation really needs to learn when to shut the fuck up.

  7. This reminds me of Four Seasons landscaping. No one on his team could possibly have thought this would go well.

  8. Was this supposed to bolster support for him???? There was never any doubt that I would not be voting for him, but those on the fence, surely must be fed up with him as the alternative. VOTE!!

  9. I guess he’s just becoming unaware of his surroundings? Was he there to prop up his Black voters’ support? I love this for him.

  10. Wow I never thought he seemed smart but to be confused about which race a multiracial person is, because in his small mind you can only be one or the other?

    Is she Indian, or is she black? She’s both. One parent from each of those ethnicities. That was never a secret.

  11. Can someone explain this for me? I am so confused.

    Why would he think this is a good idea? This is the first time in all these years that I think he might actually be smarter than he leads on, because it’s just such a predictable shit show.

    Kamala, daughter of an Indian woman and a Jamaican man “turned black”? WTF, Don?

  12. How can someone with two parents of different ethnicities possibly inherit both ethnicities?!

    How. Does. It. Work.

  13. He’s a major idiot, racist and convicted felon. Just who America needs again. Will the real America show itself and vote him so far away that he goes to prison? Please.

  14. ”’A black job ?You know, like a rapper, or basketball player, or break dancer” What mess of a man Trump is.

  15. I’m not trying to be an apologist for him or anything but who the hell on his team saw this event and went “yeah… this is it… this is where we win over the votes we need”

  16. He is so incredibly offensive and proud of his offensiveness. I look forward to the day when he is no longer relevant.

  17. ‘I know, I’ll win them over by pointing out that Kamala Harris only recently chose to be black!’ thought Trump to himself. ‘Wait until they see that me, a white man, has come to set them straight, they will love me for it!’. Trump grinned as he leaned forward to deliver the news that would finally open their eyes. – an excerpt from Trump’s next autobiography, tilted ‘How I won over women, minorities and other vermin with charisma and ruthless logic’.

  18. Still don’t know if he’s stupid or just crazy. I know his followers are crazy idiots.

  19. Classic, unabashed Waddles. He can’t talk about any real, actual issues, so he has to resort to insult comedy instead. And he always pretends he’s asking a pressing rhetorical question, so he can (in his mind) plausibly deny saying anything “wrong”. Call him out on it, and he labels you as “nasty”, or “fake”, like daring to even bring it up is a vicious, unfair, untrue personal attack. He does this all the time, too.

    I hope African-American folks realize that he sees them as a group of “others” he has to pander to, as opposed to seeing them as simply Americans. He thinks he can bamboozle them into kicking Kamala out of the club by questioning her “black credibility” among them. It demonstrates how little he cares about them, and everyone else, really.

  20. The Hitler is strong in this racist he is such a loser and a weirdo pedo … oh and a convicted felon too ❓

  21. Do you think he realized they were laughing at him? 

    Man, that’s uncomfortable to watch. 

  22. I seriously think it’s impossible for him to not be an ignorant, racist a$$hole.

  23. Why in earth you could support this man will always be beyond. Theres no excuse at this point. You’re either American or a fascist.

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