Yusuf Dikeç casually winning silver without the typically used lenses to avoid blur and improve precision, or ear protectors to mitigate noise!

Yusuf Dikeç casually winning silver without the typically used lenses to avoid blur and improve precision, or ear protectors to mitigate noise!


by LiterallyReading

  1. I love his energy. “Lemme just get this done real quick and get back to my backgammon match and finish my tea.”

  2. Bro was called from the local pub where he was spending his time to casually represent his country in the sport.

    Also with one hand in his pocket and only he forgot to add cigarette in his mouth, true alpha.

  3. Yes we get it, people shooting pistols look cool. Stop spamming these pictures everywhere.

  4. Turkish military personnel has a lot of training about shooting stationary targets that doesn’t fight back…

  5. As it should be.
    They should even start with common weapons, which are randomly dealt to the competitors.

  6. What is the caliber for competitive shooting? .22LR? Not much louder than a balloon that’s exploding. This guy is taking it like nothing 🙂

  7. When you’re going to rob a guy, he pulls out a gun, puts a hand in his pocket and you suddenly remember his face from the Olympics: “Oh, crap…”

  8. I‘m an air gun sport shooter myself. Typically the best come in with a scruffy gun, obviously no gear whatsoever, say „shit, I didn’t train for half a year“ and then continue to shoot 9s and 10s. Hate these guys.

  9. He won Silver in the team category, in the solo category he ranked 13th I believe. But still really cool!

  10. Maybe if he used the lenses to improve precision he would’ve gotten gold? But I don’t know enough about the sport to know if it has any real impact. Cool picture, though.

  11. Imagine you win gold at Olympia in the sports you’ve been living your whole life and nobody cares cause 2nd place looked so damn cool

  12. His wife “Yusuf! We are out of milk and bread, again! And can you get an Olympic medal on the way back, bye, love you”

  13. The serbian won cuz they know how to shoot because of the genocides they did lol

  14. His helmet was stifling, it narrowed his vision. And he must see far. His shield was heavy. It threw him off balance. And his target is far away.

  15. Wearing glasses your whole life does interesting things to perception of vision.

    I’d wager that plays a part in his methodology.

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