Indonesia president-elect Prabowo says his government seeks stronger ties with ‘great friend’ Russia

Indonesia president-elect Prabowo says his government seeks stronger ties with ‘great friend’ Russia

Posted by ferrelle-8604

1 comment
  1. Not surprising. India, Indonesia and Yugoslavia were the key figures behind the whole Non-aligned movement during the Cold war.

    And it’s not just Indonesia, the whole of South East Asia wants nothing to do with this war in Europe. Russian tourists come here after the west is closed to them, especially to Thailand. Malaysia just applied to join BRICS a couple of days ago. And other countries in the region continue maintaining their relations with Russia.

    ASEAN, the organisation of South East Asian countries is primarily focused on trade and economic development, over internal government structures of a member country. You have democracies, monarchies, communists, dictatorships all working together in this grouping. This sort of a system only works when you don’t have the West’s “my way or the highway” attitude.

    [As Putin visits, Vietnam says will boost ties with Russia for global peace](

    [Malaysia applies for BRICS membership: Premier Anwar Ibrahim](

    [Cambodia signs defence MoU with Russia](

    [Thailand Set to Initiate FTA Talks with Russia and EAEU](

    None of these countries want to pick sides and burn bridges with Russia over a faraway war. And it’s not like these countries hate the West or anything. They desire good relations with the West too. They don’t like being bullied by the West and just want to do what is best for themselves.

    A few days ago you had the Malaysian minister explaining some of their reasoning behind joining BRICS. He was talking about how they don’t like the West dictating who they can and can not trade with and the West’s monopolistic control over institutions necessary for global trade and finance.

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