Top Moscow exchange manager drowns in latest mystery death

Top Moscow exchange manager drowns in latest mystery death

by newsweek

  1. By Theo Burman – Live News Reporter:

    A top Russian financier has died after reportedly falling off of a ship into waters near Moscow.

    Georgy Chibisov, the Marketing Director of the Moscow Exchange, drowned on July 27, after he fell from a cruise ship that was making its way down the Moskva River for a bachelor party.

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  2. It’s truly a mystery. I can only imagine that there is a whole mystery/whodunnit/the butler did it parody genre of novels in Russia where the victim always falls out of window and the trace always leads to the KGB.

  3. Sudden death seems to be endemic in the upper strata of Russian society

    I wonder if it’s purely Putin, infighting between the tops or the Ukrainians taking out people to create stress and fear

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