What does the US have to do with this?

What does the US have to do with this?


by ThreeDonkeys

  1. I try to find the good in people so dont blame me but they just wish to show that they have stuff thats older than the foundation of a country

    Because saying something is older than one of the leading superpower is much more interesting and easy to digest as compared to simply “x is 400 years old”

  2. A coordinated influence operation meant to stoke anti european sentiment in the US just in time before the elections.

  3. Don’t worry, those monuments in Germany and Italy are also older than Germany and Italy 🤷‍♂️

  4. Yeah, but how big are all these things in the standard unit: American football pitches?

  5. I guess people are just trying to feel better by putting the focus on someone else, but nobody really cares

  6. I like to tell my American friends that my house was built 60 years before Columbus crossed the pond ;D

  7. Everything is older than the US. Even my horse-drawn carriage is from the time of ancient Rome. I use it now to ride to work, gas is expensive.

  8. Bit of a Napoleon complex where people think its an interesting personality trait to bash the US any chance they get.

  9. I think it’s interesting, Americans are the dominating force on the internet and the cultural export in the west

    Seeing that some random cross from your grandma’s village is older then that entire nation is a funny realization

  10. Americans made it to relate a point to other Americans. Why is this surprising? If it was Chinese people, then it would be comparing to stuff in China 

  11. Basically people on here have an inferiority complex in regards to the USA. They find low hanging fruits to feel better about themselves even though it has no relevance.

  12. Tbf the Pantheon is older than almost* every country in the world.

    * i read the egypt is considered the oldest country in the world but to be honest they were completelly different cultures, they share only the name lol

  13. Europeans like pointing out they’re better than people from the US (which we are of course) 

  14. I was thinking about this while watching the Olympic ceremony: the center of Paris was already old, when the American colonies were only Elizabethan concepts.

  15. It’s like their inane habit of comparing anything – distance, surface, volume – with “typical American things. Football field lengths, Empire State Building heights, that sort of thing.

    An unfortunate consequence of having to deal with the shitty imperial system.

    And now they’re extending that kind of thinking to time as well.

  16. Those things were old when our families lived there too, but then they decided to go do better.

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