FT | ‘A tightening siege’: Brazil police close the net on Jair Bolsonaro

FT | ‘A tightening siege’: Brazil police close the net on Jair Bolsonaro


Posted by Nemesysbr

1 comment
  1. Lmao, no.

    They’ve been “closing the net” for ages. The supreme court has arrested tons of his allies wither with no charges or charges of “thinking about doing something undemocratic”, always with the promise that they’ll be let go when they rat out Bolsonaro. But alas, there is no crime to rat out.

    Bolsonaro’s phone has been hacked, his house searched, his entire life has been thoroughly examined and investigated. And yet zero crimes have been found.

    Here’s a pro tip: If someone has evidence on a guy, they release the friggin’ evidence. This whole article is just the current government saying “oh yeah, we totes got the evidence bro, the other guy is literally worse than Hitler, trust me bro, i’ll release the evidence any day now bro.”

    They try comparing it o Car Wash, but Operation Car Wash did the exact opposite. In fact judge Moro was accused of being biased because he was either leaking evidence or declassifying evidence ALL THE TIME. Because if you have evidence, you use it.

    The truth is that “depose Bolsonaro” has been one of PT’s (current president’s party) goals at least since 2015, when they literally published it in their yearly party goals document. They couldn’t find a single crime on him as a congressman, and still can’t find a single crime he did as a president.

    But they’ll do it any day now, trust me bro.

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