IDF Releases footage of the elimination of Mohammed Deif and Rafa Salama in Khan Yunis

IDF Releases footage of the elimination of Mohammed Deif and Rafa Salama in Khan Yunis

by RoyU16

  1. The IDF and the Shin Bet officially confirm this morning: the reliable intelligence was received – Muhammad Daf, the head of the military wing of Hamas, was killed in an attack in Khan Yunis about three weeks ago

    In the last few hours, the certain intelligence information was received, which makes it possible to finally announce the elimination of Muhammad Daf. So far, for nearly three weeks, the IDF and the Shin Bet preferred to wait for certain information, even though there were estimates with a very high probability that he was indeed eliminated – and these estimates grew stronger over time.

  2. Remember when Palestinians and western media claimed at least 90 civilians were killed? Well I don’t see a single civilian, not a single one !!!!

  3. What munition is that? It looks fucking sick, it like almost winds up the explosion

  4. I can’t really make out what was blown up here. Was this an underground explosion? What is that green patch?

  5. Impossible

    I’ve had it from credible sources from Redditors that the IDF only targets innocent civilians

  6. Hats off Mossad. Those guys are literally next level ops. Eliminating 1 of hamas liders and hezbollah #2 or #3 in teheran is just fucking nuts

  7. Israel have very precise bombs, not like the stupied hamas rocket who hit their own hospital backyard.

  8. If you go frame by frame, you can see a moment where there’s a dust plume when the bomb has entered the ground, but before the explosive has detonated.

  9. Extremely reckless strike regardless of what Hamas leader died in it. There were hundreds of people hit by these munitions, 70-90 of which died. You cannot bomb a crowd of people because two of them are targets, sorry.

    Even at this resolution I can see civilians within a lethal radius of both munitions. Its safe to assume there are more, if not most of them, beneath the tree cover or within the buildings on the left. It’s hard to characterize this as anything other than a war crime. I would say they should be sanctioned, but that is a moot point since it also applies to the thousands of identically reckless strikes they have already carried out.

  10. Just need Sinwar to be JDAMed now and then Israel will have taken out the whole pack.

  11. Who says they’re eliminated ? Proof? Idf Intelligence can say we killed? But liar is a liar even when he’s telling the truth.

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