Russia Is Responsible for 133,000 War Crimes in Ukraine.

Russia Is Responsible for 133,000 War Crimes in Ukraine.

by DeliveryNo5242

  1. And still some countries won`t allow Ukrain to use their long-range weapons? Are WE derranged???

  2. The UN is great at documenting things that the world already knows, and following up by doing nothing

  3. Only 133,000

    That’s all that’s been documented or witnessed.

    There’s probably as many war crimes as there are combined dead

  4. Can anyone tell me why nothing has been done about it? Is it for fear of Russia starting wars with other countries in retaliation?

  5. I think we can forget about counting any more and just throw the whole lot of them on the bad list to be locked away forever

  6. declare russia terrorist state. Strong locked borders with it. Prosecute their cronies in west

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