Accurate until capitalism

Accurate until capitalism

by adeswains

  1. Hey all of these empires had the same wnding as a commonwealth that just so happened to be located in Poland

  2. ‘We got occupied for centuries but they fucked off eventually’

    Skill issue, just dont get invaded it isn’t hard

  3. And the correlation between these countries fighting Poland and their demise is zero in every case.

  4. The same could he said of the Commonwealth occupying Ukranian and Belarusian lands. Hell the deluge was pretty much caused by Cossack rebels lol.

  5. They all had their way with Poland. 

    They all eventually died. 

    In none of the cases Poland had anything to do with them dying.

  6. Poles have 3 moods.

    1. Leeching off Muricas accomplishments
    2. Leeching off The Barrys accomplishments
    3. Leeching off Napoleons accomplishments

  7. Classic polish win. Be Invaded and occupied for years if not decades. Manage to survive the starvation, executions and discrimination through sheer numbers until the occupying forces leave. Congratulate each other on the stellar performance of playing dead until someone more competent comes to the rescue. Poland W.

  8. 🇮🇹🤝🇵🇱 cucking turks , prussians and austrians

    Marsz, Marsz Dabrowski z ziemi Wloskiej do Polski

  9. This is like when Afghans say that they’re the graveyard of empires then list our empire among them.

    We invaded them in 1838 (and admittedly failed), then 130 years later the empire was deconstructed by the government for completely unrelated reasons. The empire didn’t even peak until 1920.

  10. Either Poland is Afghanistan of Europe or they fail spectacularly at their job. Last partition of Poland happened in 1795 – Russian Empire fell apart in 1917 – “only” 122 years. USSR controlled Poland since 1955 and until 1991 – they def improved here, so it took just 36 years.

  11. Looks at you with 1st Balkan War anger in his eyes. 

    Bratanče, Ottoman demise is a Balkan affair. You had ur role to play but ultimately these are the boys:

  12. Well that is fantastic Boris. Well done you. You’re still not in Western Europe though so the point is moot.

    Now get your pointy head back in the bathroom. The toilets is leaking and I’ve just laid a fecking huge one.

  13. Prussia? No one knows for sure where it has gone exactly or why.

    It’s lurking out there somewhere…

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