Russian soldier committed suicide after being wounded by dropped muntion

Russian soldier committed suicide after being wounded by dropped muntion

by pabinudake

  1. He committed suicide the day he went to Ukraine. Just hadn’t pulled the trigger yet is all….

  2. 10 out of 10 for decisiveness, that will stand him in good stead for the rest of his life.

  3. I wonder if he ever fell over or if he’s still sitting there propped up on his rifle.

  4. I think the drone videos are making their way to the Russian side and are probably reinforcing the belief that evac or help isn’t coming. After watching a few hundred of your comrades have 2 to 7 drones buzzing around capturing your agony in 8k… it’s probably better to just speed up the process and get it over with.

  5. I work with a Russian guy who said he can’t go home to visit his family because he would get conscripted. He is one of the most carefree, happy guys I have ever met. It’s painful to imagine him in a situation like this. What a waste of human potential 

  6. Why are there so many videos of just 1 or 2 dudes by themselves? What ever happened to squads with armor backup? Are they this disorganized that they’re just wandering around in fields?

  7. Why would he?

    1. He’s alone and knows that no one else is nearby or even coming to get him.
    2. He would rather die swiftly on his own terms than get hit by another grenade where he risks being incapacitated and dying a slow death.
    3. His mental state was already beyond saving since he clearly had this situation and his options considered beforehand.

    Lastly, just a reminder that Putin can stop this horror every day but chooses not to.

  8. He couldnt wait! He was like a kid at the show just bursting to blow his brains out 🙂

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