Southport murder accused named as Axel Rudakubana

Southport murder accused named as Axel Rudakubana


  1. Maybe we should ask why the news feels the need to interview kids after something like this.

    Ask 6 and 10yr olds live on tv how they feel when they are laying flowers.

    That really isn’t news and pretty scummy no one wants to see that.

  2. >He said keeping the defendant’s anonymity in place ran the risk of “allowing others who are up to mischief to continue to spread disinformation in a vacuum”.

    Yeah, that isn’t going to stop them. When they can push hate, they will push hate, no matter the consequences. Like all cowards do.

    I’m more interested in the why though. Is it a reason we can do something to help stop in the future?

  3. Here’s hoping he never sets foot in a civic space again – however, you’d think it being a completely different name, creed and race to the one that the far-right have been spreading for the last 3 days would offer them a moment of reflection. Alas.

  4. What happened in this kids life that led him to make this decision? Where were the points of failure where this could have been avoided? Difficult questions that need answering.

  5. I know it’s false hope but I really hope more moderate people who got carried along in some of the nonsense this week calling for complete overhaul and public shaming of anybody arrested to consider things.

    Our system is not glacial but it is steady and mostly fair. It has the ability to make exceptions for exceptional circumstances, like here. But those decisions have to be taken in the right and measured way.

    Or we give ourselves to mob rule.

  6. Doesn’t sound like a muslim name. Are people going to apologise for vandalising that mosque now? Or apologise for stirring up all that racial hatred here in the comments?

  7. It’s already begun- people sharing unsubstantiated reports that he called for genocide whilst in school etc

  8. My sympathies to the newsreaders and presenters who have to casually drop that name into sentences, without a run-up

  9. > Judge Andrew Menary KC said the unrest in parts of the country after the attack was one reason why it was in the public interest for his name to be released

    In other words, the violent mob successfully used violence to influence the judiciary.

  10. So basically not the name that was being splashed all over social media, then.

    Now I await the “oh he has a foreign name” comments from those same people despite him being born in Wales.

    Had my brother said he should be deported…. what? Back to Cardiff???

    Edit: u/cementisinteresting, please debate me here as a comment instead of a chat request. My post is a response to those tarnishing everyone with the same brush, instead of this as an individual crime he is charged with

  11. You’re telling me a bunch of racists bricked a mosque for no reason? Colour me fucking shocked

  12. Why are they using such an old picture of him. He looks about 13 in the picture on the news sites.

    If they’re trying to humanise him for sympathy that’s disgusting.

    You’re telling me someone turning 18 next week doesn’t have any social media with an up to date photo?

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