It’s truly too complicated to understand smh

It’s truly too complicated to understand smh

Posted by PureImbalance

  1. That’s still not going to help them figure it out. Maybe try a diagram with a Jewish ancestor.

  2. The racist weirdos have gone full King of the Hill.

    “Are you black or not black?”

    “I’m of Indian and Jamaican ancestry.”

    “…Sooo… are you black or not black?”

  3. I’m just gonna start asking conservatives “are you American or Christian” and watch them get upset

  4. “Her father was Indian and her mother was white!”

    This was a co-worker who won’t take 2 seconds to look shit up.

  5. to the racist, anti-American MAGA, they just see her brown skin and think she is inferior to them

  6. She said she is black. She also said she is Indian. Therefore, it is indeed up to the mainly white MAGA crowd to differentiate what she is.

    Which is really, really important, because labels matter! – Brought to you by the same crowd that thinks pronouns/gender identity is stupid and pointless.

  7. The bonkers thing is JD Vance’s kids are mixed race. This situation can’t be a surprise to them.

  8. Conservatives don’t understand why she hasn’t chosen which race is the “superior” one and distanced herself from the other…

  9. Maga “this weird overlapping circle picture confuses and frightens me. What could it mean? Is it the deepstate?”

    Flips desk.

  10. I don’t know Trump‘s parents. But from an observational, scientific approach, I would suggest that there is enough evidence to postulate that on his father’s side a white, racist, ruthless real estate gangster and on his mother’s side a white, penniless immigrant woman along with lots of money and a family tradition of utter ruthlessness shaped him.

  11. So close…. but why not use Black Gold and Green as the colours in this Venn diagram !!

  12. Don’t do this. Don’t try to refute their bullshit. It just legitimizes it. Laugh it off and ignore it.

  13. The point is she wasn’t leaning into it ten years ago. I am a direct descendent of Pocahontas but since I wasn’t raised by Native Americans it would be super weird if I suddenly started talking like Chief Powhatan and telling everyone how Indian I am when up until now my claimed culture is Appalachian. I’m more John Rolfe than Pocahontas and it would be disingenuous to pretend otherwise. Yes, she is definitely black, but what the Big Weird Orange articulated so poorly is that he was calling her out on her racial hypocrisy. She hid her black heritage when it didn’t suit her and now that it does it’s her whole personality. She started talking like Obama and everything. The truth, I’m sure, is she has a whole group saying “this polls well, do this” and she listens. Logical. Disingenuous, but logical. People are making too big a big deal out of nothing on the Trump comments. He’s an old white (/orange) guy who is bad at talking to black people in a trap interview. Stop the presses!

  14. They STILL won’t get it.

    “See? Her’all’s dad wuz RED thet thars REPUBLICAN!”

  15. They’re like the racists of the late 1700’s that said you can only be one race, and it’s whatever race your mother was to determine if you were a slave or not.

  16. Hopefully, but to many you are either White, non white or Black. They don’t understand other combinations

  17. This is confusing to me.

    Her mom is a woman and her dad is a man.

    So what is she? A man or a woman?

  18. Fuckin weirdo isn’t confused about his running mate’s children though???? ArE tHeY wHiTe??? Or ArE tHeY iNdIan????

    Idiotic weirdos

  19. She spent years saying she was Indian. She grew up Indian in Canada. What planet are you people from?

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