Twenty-five percent reductions in casualties from 20mph law.

Twenty-five percent reduction in casualties. That's all I need to know. There are people walking around today who are alive because 20 is enough.

by ukhamlet

  1. Yes but have you considered the pure unadulterated rage I experience driving 10mph slower each day, I’m constantly late because ~~I can’t leave my house on time~~ this.

    This stat will be rubbish because of *insert anecdotal irrelevant opinion*.

    Something something cyclists. Something something labour.

    (Nice to see a positive outcome from this, da iawn)

  2. My argument with people who complained about this was always if it saves 1 child’s life then it’s worth it. It’s absolutely been worth it.

  3. Think how many lives could have been saved if the money had gone to the nhs….

  4. I think the only real argument is that 20mph saved the life of Welsh Hitler whom slowly rises to power over the next few years and unleashes havoc on the world in 2037.

    Other than that, it’s splendid.

  5. As someone that was pretty skeptical of this policy, you can’t really argue with this data.

  6. Before everyone jumps on these stats; the decrease in police reported casualties is following a trend line that can be traced back to 2010 (the duration of this dataset). [Source](

    Increased rating of Euro NCAP cars across the user fleet, increased congestion, improvements in car/brake/tyre technology all likely play a factor here, as well as a lack of reporting to the police.

  7. Sounds good, little skeptical on the data as there’s been a downward trend for a number of years.

  8. That’s funny, I could swear the 20mph limit was “disastrous”. Andrew RT and Tasha Asghar said it was, so it must be true.

  9. Its a bit more complicated then a straight reduction, casualties have been falling steadily for over a decade and currently the 3 months of data doesn’t show an increase that trend.

  10. Imagine how many we could save if we just banned all motors from the roads? /s

    Some places I understand and appreciate why the roads or 20mph, in most cases though the implementation of 20mph is ubsurd.

  11. Am I misreading the article, or is it bollocks journalism from the Guardian?

    >The figures show that the number of people killed and seriously injured in 20 **and 30mph** zones fell from 101 in the first quarter of 2023 to 78 in the same period this year, a 23% drop. The number killed on these roads dropped from 11 to five, a 55% decline.

    emphasis added – so there’s nothing to distinguish that the reduction in casualties/fatalities is purely on 20mph roads, but on residential roads as a whole. How on earth can the WG ‘celebrate’ a reduction in casualties as being due to the changes they’ve made when they’re including roads where the limit hasn’t changed?

    If I’m reading it right then it’s a nonsense article

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