Southport protests latest: Boy, 17, charged with girls’ murder as far-right mobs clash with police across UK

Southport protests latest: Boy, 17, charged with girls’ murder as far-right mobs clash with police across UK

by Al-dutaur-balanzan

  1. Just to clarify: Far-right networks spread the rumour that the attacker is a Muslim illegal immigrant, leading to a far-right mob attacking a mosque and local Muslim-owned shops and fighting with the police. There’s absolutely no evidence that the attacker is Muslim or an illegal immigrant.

  2. A boy who stabbed three little girls to death ceases to be a “boy” and becomes a “juvenile killer”. Calling him a “boy” is a cheap manipulation.

  3. I condemn the government for importing third-worlders but I also condemn the far-right riots.

  4. Do we have any background for the attack? I still can’t understand what led this boy to such a horrible attack, was it just random mental instability? Did they find any clues??

  5. He is a “boy” and protestors are “far-right mobs”. Interesting word choices.

  6. Far left, far right, potato, tomato, they both need to go down.

    Btw, god awful news site…

  7. Is it confirmed that it was a far right mob? Man in German News they outright called them right wing extremist.

    Me personally I doubt that. For me it seemed like a bunch of people that are fed up with knife terror ranging from almost all sides of the political spectrum.

    Calling them far right or right wing extremists is in my opinion just another way of the media to demonize the rightfully concerned people

  8. What a shame to see such demonic activity in a young man at 17 years of age. My dad joined the Marines at 17…so that dude is a man, treat him so.

  9. It’s almost as if if you import loads of people from undeveloped crime ridden countries they bring their attitudes and behaviours with them

  10. This fucker has lost his place on the gameboard we call life

    This is a throw away the key offense

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