This new AfD poster is something…

This new AfD poster is something…

by Border_Clear

  1. The gestures, good lord. She, okay, the arm is slightly bent. _Him?!_ Verfassungsschutz, bitte einmal, danke.

  2. They seem to be trying to claim it’s a stock photo. I’m not sure how anyone would think that makes any difference. I don’t think I could just go around putting up stock images of hate symbols and then go, “Beats me, man, it’s just some image I found online.”

  3. Nothing, absolutely nothing, in this poster is a coincidence. Don’t let them tell you it was an accident. It wasn’t.

  4. “We are not Nazis”

    *does the Hitler salute*

    yeah… ofc the AfD are not Nazis… i guess they are gladiators, that just wanted to hail the roman emperor.

    The only good thing is, they are only strong in eastern germany.

  5. Wow Germany. You have come a long way back. TikTok managed the rest in raising next gen nazi kids

  6. Wow Germany. You have come a long way back. TikTok managed the rest in raising next gen nazi kids

  7. Wait. They’re all blonde. I can’t see their eye color, but, are they according to the description of the Aryan race? That would be even worse.

  8. The man has a strange arm.

    Either he has a looong forearm and extremely short upper arm, or he holds his arm angled, the upper arm is as long as the forearm, and he can touch the floor like an orang utan.

  9. Ach like have we forgotten History this quickly?

    I better hurry up and start learning another language soon to leave this upcomming hell hole.

  10. I propose that we, borrowing a term from sports, tackle the ball not the man. What is the ideology behind this image, and does that ideology have support outside the AfD? If you were in media studies or art, what are the symbols, elements in this image that are evocative, that led to its selection? What discourses are these symbols articulated to?

    How does it contrast with your worldview? What is this and other German subs near consensus view on crime, security, stranger danger and Ausländer, especially Muslims and dark-skinned people?

    What is the Green Party’s position on this same topic? Is the idea to stop the AfD or to stop BioDeutsch ideology?

  11. Hitlergruß on the back of three kids, how rotten and despicable can you be…

  12. It’s supposed to be a roof, apparently. A roof symbolizing the protection the children are under. A roof made of Hitler salutes to be sure, but a roof.

    The thing is, even if it is a coincidence, then this was OK’d by a party that is trying to argue that they’re not Nazis, they’re old-fashioned Conservatives, and it’s the woke leftist mainstream media that’s trying to paint them as Nazis. In other words, we have to believe that they had the following conversation:

    “Is there anything in this image the MSM will try to use to suggest that we’re Nazis?”
    “Nope, nothing.”
    “All checks out.”
    “Not even the *hint* of a swastika. Sven, you’re a bit quiet over there, what are your thoughts?”
    “I dunno. Don’t you think it looks a bit… Heil-Hitlery?”
    “Nah. It’s clearly a figurative roof. That’s obvious to anyone who looks at it.”
    “You’re right, I’m just being a bit paranoid.”

  13. Of course they are blonde as possible because you arent german if you arent blonde right /s

  14. the arrow in their logo now makes sense, too, as some kind of abstract arm posture

  15. AFD means more like “Alles für Deutschland” translated: all for germany

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