Allister declares two tier policing in effect after Chief Constable refuses to fire officers for celebrating All Ireland Final

Allister declares two tier policing in effect after Chief Constable refuses to fire officers for celebrating All Ireland Final

by BelfastTelegraph

  1. Alright for Allister sitting on his nice wage and pension in Parliament. Shame on him for trying to get officers fired!

  2. I would be 100% behind the chief constable if at this stage he just replied “awk would you just fuck up”….”give over” words to that effect. 

  3. > But unionists concerned by prevailing two tier policing will watch with interest.

    I’ve just invented the two-tier _traybake;_ you, Jim, may watch with interest while I eat it.

    Or maybe I didn’t and it was all just some inverted feverish tyre-fume-induced fantasy.


  4. Just because Sunny Jimbo Ulstershire says it is doesn’t mean it actually is……

  5. Would someone just buy him a multipack of smokey bacon and ship him off to Space ffs…

  6. Hahaha remember when unionist politicians opinions carried weight instead of being a laughing stock.

    The death spiral continues into irrelevance

  7. Jim needs to concentrate on the imminent Smokey bacon disaster that’s heading our way.

  8. I seen two tier policing when I moved from Rathcoole to Whiteabbey. 

    When I was with my mates in Rathcoole the police had a laugh, joke and moved us on. In Whiteabbey the same police officers were intentionally instigating to enable themselves to headbutt teenagers. 

    If the want to talk about two tier policing I think we should welcome that and open an investigation immediately.

  9. Jim Allister – Perpetual outrage over non issues such as this one.

    Also Jim Allister – Never a fucking peep about real issues such as housing, social and health care, people using food banks.

  10. Will they just put him in a home already? Not meaning to sound ageist but he’s literally the old man shouting at the news channel that’s planted his arse in government. He does nothing but complain

  11. Appreciate we need to respect each others culture, and also listen to each others concerns.

    But really should we not be actively considering tranquillising Jim during hot weather when he’s the most troublesome.

  12. I had the same argument with some moron out of work who keeps spouting this 2 tier policing crap. When I pointed out the facts (we don’t live far apart) that the stats point out I could be potentially waiting above 20mins for a 999 police call and his postcode/area was measured around 8-10mins max and also the fact the fact that the psni is around 75-80% Protestant. When provided with facts he just said well that’s not my fault… morons

  13. Jim, shut the fuck up and stop being a two-tier prick.

    – The current Chief Constable. 1st Aug 2024.

  14. His livelihood depends on outrage. Don’t give him any, even if it’s pointed at him rather than the points he’s trying to make.

  15. Ol Jim and an all pro police until they try to have a bit of craic with GAA fans. Then it’s off with their heads.

  16. The thing is, when you’re openly and brazenly sectarian – as Jim is – you become the boy who cried wolf. Your moral standpoints lose all impact, because everyone knows you’re just working an agenda 24/7. Thanks for your point Jim, it’s exactly what we knew it would be, now let’s all move on.

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