Vor Monaten in ein Gästehaus in Teheran geschmuggelte Bombe tötete Hamas-Anführer (Geschenkartikel)

Vor Monaten in ein Gästehaus in Teheran geschmuggelte Bombe tötete Hamas-Anführer (Geschenkartikel)


  1. Is letting a bomb go unnoticed for months more or less embarrassing than just saying it was an F-35

  2. This theory (is it third, fourth?) raises even more questions.

    For once, how would they know it was “months ago”?
    Honestly, it still sounds like IRGC trying to decide what’s less embarrassing. And it still is

  3. Holy crap that’s much worse than a missile. How the hell did the IRGC let a bomb be smuggled into their own compound and not know about it for months?

  4. There has to be a sizeable portion of Iranian leadership that’s sick of the bullshit. How do they have so many leaks?

  5. How were the electronics on it powered fir so long?  Was it plugged into an outlet?  Was it solar powered?  Do they have amazing battery tech for these purposes?  

  6. There is a *lot* of panicked and frenzied searching of Ayatollah bedrooms happening in Iran right now.

  7. This is going to make Iran’s leaders insanely paranoid. They’re probably making holes in a lot of walls right now to look for more bombs.

  8. So Iran cannot even figure out which is less embarrassing to admit happened.

    Was it an air strike or a bomb they couldn’t detect for months?

  9. Will this discovery mean that the regime will lower the red flag of revenge ? 🤔

  10. What’s next? Hamas leader killed after friend asks him to “pull my finger“?

  11. Tehran is like everywhere else. You have to book months in advance to get a place to stay!

    Should have used Air B&B!

  12. “if he goes to china, i want a ***** waiting in a bowl of rice waiting to bust a cap in his ass”

  13. So Iran has pretty accurate and powerful missiles. Remember they destroyed an American base when Trump was president

  14. This is the same tactic that the IRA used to bomb Maggie Thatcher at the Tory conference in Brighton. Hidden underneath a bathtub.

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