is this video sexist or transphobic?

is this video sexist or transphobic?

by mandingo_gringo

  1. Didn’t know that they made wife beating an Olympic sport, Barry should dominate this.

  2. Paris already showed you their endorsement of trans people at the opening ceremony, it was a hint to what’s up.

  3. yeah idk why even the thought of having a different category for transpeople is so inherently transphobic, sexist and down right evil to so many people.

    it is something i would want FOR the transgender athletes. because in al those sports where biological men just have these extreme advantages, athletes that are trans just can’t compete anymore.

    first there are the obvious transwomen that completely dominate. it’s not just unfair to the other women it also takes away from their own accomplishments sometimes. i like to remember the transwomen that would have been 4th in the men’s competition for weightlifting despite “nerfing” herself with becoming what aligns with her identity the most, a woman. that’s an amazing accomplishment but obviously everyone talks about how unfair it is for her to win in the woman categories and the other women having absolutely no chance against her.
    now there are also transmen, why do we never hear about them, especially in sports? bc they now have to compete with biological men and have no chance against them. they can’t even participate in the olymimpics anymore even if they previously could have been among the best in the womens category.

    i really don’t get how giving them their own category for the ranking is transphobic in anyway. i mean yeah i get it because the argument is “transwomen=women”, which is complete bullshit btw, as this does not only make no sense in any way, but it also takes away from all that those people had to go through to be there now. there is just a massive difference in treating transwomen as women in society, which i am completely in favour of, or transwoman being 100% the same as women, which they just aren’t. and i would wish for them to be. how awesome for them if they could have lived life from the start in the right body, but that’s sadly just not reality.

  4. Everyone that disagrees that men shouldnt compete against women in womensports is a transphobe

  5. So just to be clear: we got here an intersex AFAB athlete, that due to this has higher testosterone levels and thus dominates boxing?

    I mean I get the point, these higher testosterone levels do actually help a good bit, but that seems totally fair game to me.

    It’s also no argument when it comes to the trans “issue”. Trans people on HRT use medication to reduce their biological hormone production and replace them with other meds. So a transfem person tends to have roughly the same amount of testosterone production as a regular cisfem (which do, in fact, also produce a slight amount of it), making them in no way have an edge over them.

    (It’s also a stupid restriction in things like chess or shooting where intelligence or precision are way more important than athleticism ever could be)

  6. Women’s sports exist to showcase the most talented, driven, and hardworking women in any given sport.

    Women were denied the opportunity to compete in so many sports for so long because it was ‘ladylike’ or appropriate for women. Women’s boxing has only been in the Olympics since 2012, I remember how long women fought for that opportunity. And now their sport is being colonised.

  7. But she’s a women? She isn’t even transgender she got assigned the female sex at birth got raised as a women and identifies as one.

  8. Only way to be accepted as a transgender female in a muslim country, beating the shit out of women.


  9. I am amazed by how someone representing an entire country at an international competition such as the Olympics would have the balls to do that!

  10. She took one hit and knew she couldn’t compete. If you are Olympic level you know when you are outclassed and in boxing you can get damaged pretty bad. I did combat sports on national level for years (TKD). Even if you could get a girl on my then size (78-84kg at 189cm) I would still have had a big advantage in muscle mass. The whole thing is a horrible idea. In the name of allowing trans representation we are taking away the right of competition for biological women in combat sports at least.

  11. I’m actually embarrassed about the state of media coverage; there’s no way to understand what the actual f happened with this athlete. Every news I read states a different thing. Not in this order, from different news (local and international):

    -she’s transgender;

    -she has XY chromosome;

    -she’s intersex;

    -she failed a “gender test” (whatever the f that means);

    -she failed a testosterone test;

    -she has a vagina;

    -she has a penis;

    -she has artificial vagina but born male.

    Can someone post some news that *at least* *look like* the truth?

  12. Mmm spreading misinformation 2WE4U… I thought the point of this sub is we’re better than the Americans?

  13. Haha bruh got to round up all babies with Swyer syndrome and enroll them in Olympic sports preferably strength. I don’t see it as illegal or cheating but this person is sadly ruining it for “normal” women.

  14. Do you guys honestly believe ALGERIA would allow a trans person to represent their country

  15. So let me get this straight, she is biologically a woman, she got female genitalia, all her body does is produce slight more testosterone than the average woman? What exactly is the problem here? It isn’t a trans issue, she isn’t taking doping, she is just genetically better equipped for the sport she does.

    Should we disqualify Micheal Phelps for having like shoe size 50+, basically flippers on his feet? What about incredibly tall basketball players? Idk just seems like you can win the genetic lottery when it comes to sports.

  16. The attacks on this woman are a bit disengenous, per Boxrec she has only won 5 out of 46 fights by KO/TKO. Clearly she is not punching that much harder than other women, the Italian in this fight just got hit hard at the start and did not want to continue.

    As a boxer myself I’ve been in the same situation, got hit hard and clean in sparring and stopped because my nose was in pain.

  17. There are so many bells ringing a different tune that I don’t even know what the fuck the real narrative is

  18. I don’t give a shit about what the majority of this sub and the media says, I’ll stand for trans rights, y’all are being transphobic af. And to be clear, the athlete here isn’t even trans, and trans people have literally nothing to do with this issue, but seeing this sub and the italian media bash trans people relentlessly for absolutely no reason makes me sick.

  19. People talking about an ‘unbeatable’ biological advantage also think that black people shouldn’t be allowed to partecipate in running competitions because they have a biological advantage?

    Also, careful about OP, it’s not the first times that he’s transphobic on this sub

  20. Why are people being fucking Transphobic to the Intersex Woman in the notes.

    Why are people doing “Women are fragile flowers who are incapable of overcoming any male opponent at anything” in the notes.

    Are you people for fucking real.

  21. Sexist. They’re both women.

    Like be serious. Khelife is Algerian. Do you really think ALGERIA would send a trans person to the olympics??

    she’s not trans. She has a genetic condition, which results in higher testosterone. If you look at her boxing record she’s not some monster winnign every fight, it’s just that in this instance, she was much stronger than her opponant.

  22. Ahh again some shitting on trans people even when there is no actual trans people involved since the Paris olympics effectively banned transgender athletes. Truly we live in a wonderfully tolerant world… Fuck off

  23. There is lot happening in this video and I think it is all entertaining. The fact that religion plays its part makes it priceless.

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