Trump Promises Lower Interest Rates, but the President Doesn’t Control Those

Trump Promises Lower Interest Rates, but the President Doesn’t Control Those

by FUSeekMe69

  1. Biden promised student loan forgiveness that wasn’t his to promise. He’s been campaigning on legalization… again. He’s going to reform the Supreme Court…

    Political promises sometimes require a second flush to go down…regardless of the politician.

  2. Must as well promise every American citizen $10,000/mth free money. 100% sure win election.

    Edit: forget to include Mexico will pay for the wall.

  3. Trump has made it clear that he is interested in ending the independence of the Fed. If he did that and filled it with his lackeys he could definitely control interest rates.

  4. Yes he does, it’s right next to the gas price lever, just to the right of the stock market line up/down lever. And above the Diet Coke button.

  5. “While Mr. Trump wants lower interest rates, he has said the Fed should not lower them before the election, implying that doing so would be a political gift to incumbent Democrats.”

    Once again, he only cares about himself. Just like 2 days ago when he complained about OPEC causing oil prices to fall. He doesnt want good things to happen for the country if it isnt good for *him.*

  6. He also has talked about getting rid of taxes on tips, taxes on SS.

    Both of which he cant do, and would require congress to do.

  7. Of course the President controls interest. Over and over, the current one has set interest rates to 0% and canceled the principal for his favorite and most loyal supporters, college graduates with worthless degrees. Why wouldn’t anyone believe the promises of the candidates?

  8. No, but the can have policies that help reduce inflation, which is the main driver of interest rates.

  9. President can hire and fire the Federal Chairman.

     The senate can refuse to confirm but that is risky politically.

  10. The thing to pay attention to is “real” interest rates, that is interest rate – inflation rate. If the interest rate is below the inflation rate, then ordinary investors won’t buy the bonds, and then, the central bank steps in, creates money to buy the bonds, called “monetizing” the national debt. It’s also called “quantitative easing” (QE).

    During Trump’s first term, he called incessantly for the Fed to print. I see nothing in Trump’s rhetoric that suggests that this will change.

  11. If he wants it, it’s pretty much a done deal, cause if there’s one thing corrupt, wealthy folks are willing to do, it’s enriching themselves at the irresponsible expense of everyone else.

    Powell will do it.

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