EU rejects Hungary and Slovakia’s request for urgent consultations on Ukraine’s decision to ban the transit of crude oil from a major Russian supplier.

EU rejects Hungary and Slovakia’s request for urgent consultations on Ukraine’s decision to ban the transit of crude oil from a major Russian supplier.

by OddAioli6993

  1. The Eu should move as fast as Hungary did when asked to ratify the NATO membership of Sweden

  2. >European Commission Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis: Ukraine’s new sanctions against Russia’s Lukoil do not affect transit operations carried out by trading companies through the Druzhba pipeline as long as Lukoil is not the formal owner of the oil.

  3. Both countries placed their bets on Russia winning the war, and they lost. They had two years to prepare for this, yet they did nothing, so here come the consequences. Add to that next year’s gas shortage and it looks like 2025 might be a pretty rough year for Hungary and Slovakia.

    Also Hungary allowing Russians to freely enter a Schengen zone member (and thus EU) is just stupid, it will force surrounding countries to restore border control with Hungary, thus significantly complicating trade with other EU members. They just can’t stop shooting their own feet.

  4. To Hungary and Slovakia,

    1) Find another way to access oil from a friendly EU, NATO or Democratic country.

    2) Invest in Green Energy (Windmills, Solar, etc)

    3) Reach out to Terra Power ( ….. which is Bill Gates (formerly of Microsoft) invested $1 billion USD into this company which builds new “safe” nuclear power plant. **This new technology for nuclear power alone could solve most the oil problems!

  5. As a Slovakian: GOOD. Although, this will only feed the flames of hate inside our little populist country; luckily, there are no elections ahead. I’ll gladly pay more for gas. Fuck you Fico and your cronies.

  6. -Hungary: Ukraine just cut off our oil!

    -EU: Right! This calls for immediate discussion

    -EU member state: Yeah

    -Hungary: what?

    -EU member state: immediate

    -EU member state: right

    -EU member state: New motion?

    EU: Completely new motion, eh, that, ah— that there be, ah, immediate action—

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