Trump campaign scrambles to blame Black journalists for Trump’s racism

Trump campaign scrambles to blame Black journalists for Trump’s racism

Posted by doc-researcher

  1. >“The hostility Donald Trump showed on stage today is the same hostility he has shown throughout his life, throughout his term in office, and throughout his campaign,” Kamala Harris’ communications director Michael Tyler said.

    >”Trump lobbed personal attacks and insults at Black journalists the same way he did throughout his presidency—while he failed Black families and left the entire country digging out of the ditch he left us in,” he continued. “Donald Trump has already proven he cannot unite America, so he attempts to divide us.”

    >The blatant racism on display was shocking but not surprising to anyone who’s watched Trump’s political career. He rode to political prominence in 2011 by leading the “birther” conspiracy against then-President Barack Obama, and he rode down that golden escalator in 2015 to announce his first presidential campaign with a vicious attack on Mexicans.

    >“They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists,” Trump ranted.

    >This is who he is. His campaign can’t control him, they can’t fight 78 years worth of poison in him.

  2. How dare they ask him questions about his previously documented racist statements!

  3. I especially loved ” taking away the Black Jobs” comment. Shows he has absolutely no clue or connection to all people.

  4. I think he did it on purpose to show his base how he treats black women.

  5. It’s always hilarious when trump supporters complain about racism, or honesty, or rape.

  6. it’s your fault for asking me questions about shit i said and did previously!

  7. He calls them “blacccks”…Scary thing this might not tank his chances though but I have good feeling Harris will get a huge boost at the DNC convention and if Kelly gets chosen as VP dems has a strong chance of winning..Trump is imploding.

  8. he even mocked her intelligence .. he went off on his spiel about acing 2 tests identifying a lion giraffe and whale(no sharks trumplethinskin is afraid of sharts and sharks ) ya know the same thing a 2 year old can do lion bear mommy daddy house car train , then kinda challenged her to a test and went on about how she failed her law exam ..what a freakazoid fucktard

  9. When presented with his own words and actions, he can only lash out. What a sad, weak, small man.

  10. Kudos to the woman who wasn’t putting up with his bullshit and actually did her job as a journalist.   

  11. “It’s not his fault he said racist things! Did you see how those uppity black women asked him questions about things he’s said and done! The nerve!”

  12. Racist enablers don’t like their racist boss was asked questions that triggered his racism. 

  13. It is shocking that someone is so stupid that the idea of mixed parents can’t be comprehended… fuck this guy, his team, and any conservative that supports this human pile of trash.

  14. Maybe the real racists were the people being racially profiled and marginalized along the way.

  15. Lol. ‘It’s black people’s fault I made and continue to make racially driven statements about black people’ is quite possibly the most racist thing said.

  16. “It’s your kind of peoples fault that I hate black people” – DJT

  17. The classic “It’s not what he said, it’s the way THEY reacted to what he said.” Smh.

  18. Of course, the Republican way. It’s always someone else’s fault. It’s the left, the liberals, the democrats, the blue states, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, the squad, Biden, and Harris. I could be missing a few more but now adding black journalists

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