Why Is the Oil Industry Still Thriving?

Why Is the Oil Industry Still Thriving?


by silence7

  1. Because lobbyists and donations work to keep governments from taking meaningful actions to address climate change.

  2. Ford is selling the biggest trucks in history at the highest rates in history.

    Big trucks use more fuel than small cars

  3. Because literally everything in modern society relies on oil. Even toothpaste. 

  4. Because there are still an estimated 1.3-1.5 billion ICE vehicles still on the road in the world?

    Because there are still more than 100,000 commercial flights a day, every day of the year?

    Because people are still taking cruises, and the industry is building bigger and more ships to keep up with soaring demand?

    Because the cargo vessels that carry merchandise across the oceans still use oil?

    Because a lot of trains still use diesel?

    Because the huge fleets of big rigs that deliver merchandise from terminals to stores still use diesel?

    Because people still use gas/oil furnaces because they prefer them over electric heat pumps?

    Because people are still buying hundreds of billions of bottles of soft drinks every year that are made with oil-based plastic?

    Because if governments took all that away (and more), people would vote for anyone who gave it back to them again? Which is happening right now all around the world, people voting for right wing governments because times got a little tough and they didn’t like it?

  5. because people are still buying the cheapest products and services they can find, and oil is essentially free energy when you discount “externalities” like climate change

  6. Because the world runs on oil at the moment and all the wishing that it didn’t won’t change that fact

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