Russian cellphones pinned to a tree.

Russian cellphones pinned to a tree.

by Physical-Cut-2334

  1. get got both roots and wideband connectivity, i fear for the environment around that tree tho considering all the batteries being punctured here<3

  2. Some of those are copper nails, that tree will be dead by the end of the year. Some memorial, dead phones on a dead tree.

  3. as a collector of push-button telephones from 1995-2009 I want to say – my heart hurts

  4. Nothing more telling about russian society than an iPhone nailed to a tree.

    Hate the west, love iPhone, Mercedes and McDonalds.

  5. Lol….
    Lots of antiques hanging there! With “Snake” build in…

  6. Only these are NOT “Russian cellphones”. These are the phones taken from the locals by the Russians in the occupied left bank of Kherson region.

  7. You mean to tell me that the third rate field army of Russia has better access in a combat zone to electricity than Texans do when it gets cold or the wind blows to hard?

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