Hartlepool rioters came ‘out of woodwork like cockroaches’ as mums handed kids bricks

Hartlepool rioters came ‘out of woodwork like cockroaches’ as mums handed kids bricks


by biddleybootaribowest

  1. I saw it happen live and I honestly couldn’t believe it. It’s like she was giving the kid a toy to play with

  2. Their predecessors hung a monkey thinking it was a french spy. Hartlepool has a track record of mob driven stupidity. 

  3. “like cockroaches”? Did the Harehills rioters come out like cockroaches? Did Tottenham 2011 rioters come out like cockroaches.

    FFS criticize the riot. Dont give Farage and his people their next headline to galvanise support.

  4. It feels very wrong to label human beings cockroaches.

    Not inaccurate, but wrong nevertheless

  5. Wow, that is an insanely inflammatory headline. The media know exactly what they are doing here.

  6. >*Shaun Gaffney, who lives in a flat above one of the shops in Murray Street, said at around 5.45pm he heard a lot of police cars.*

    >*He then heard the protesters arriving describing them as “coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches”. He said: “It was disgusting. Nothing like this has ever happened in Hartlepool before.”*

    >*Shaun described the scenes, including mothers giving bricks to their children to throw. He added that some of the rioters didn’t even know why they were there. He added: “One lad said to me ‘we are trying to take Britain back’. I said ‘why don’t you try getting off your a***, getting a job and paying taxes and putting something into the country’.”*

    Now it’s fair enough to quote an eyewitness in the article. But why would you lead with that headline? I mean, I guess it’s just a local online rag, but still

  7. Oh great, what a headline, keep these coming over the next 5 years and we’ll all be scratching our heads about why the “far right” are surging in support 🙄

  8. How can they have both come out from woodwork like cockroaches with mums giving them bricks, and have come from outside the area?

  9. I dont like the language here. cockroaches ? dehumanize people and then its ok to kill them ? , rape their children? like they are subhuman ? never mind any right to protest.

    Its been a drip , drip of awful things happening for a long time now, you could list all of the attacks and statistics .the kids being killed in southport made me very angry.

  10. About 2 years ago they elected a Tory MP. Because they wanted a change. Thick as mince, the lot of them.

  11. Hartlepool’s history is a wild ride, from hanging monkeys to handing out bricks.

  12. Would the rioters in Leeds have been referred to as ‘cockroaches’? Would you have put a reddit topic headline with this inflammatory language about children and adults in Leeds or Rochdale recently rioting?

  13. Why is it OK to refer to them as cockroaches? If this article was about Roma or Pakistani rioters there would be outrage. The disdain for the white working class is atrocious in this country, so no wonder they turn to the extreme right. 

  14. Of course this kind of language (yes I know its a quote) is fine to use when talking about white people.

    I wonder if a quote like this would be used for the Leeds riots?

  15. It’s a sad indictment of society that a lady with those values can become a Mum, yet my sensible middle class lady friends with careers they don’t want to risk by bricking the police are opting out of children they “can’t afford”.

    It makes you wonder how close we are to Idiocracy coming true…

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