Aizanoi Ancient City, Zeus Temple. May Be Turkey’s Most Underrated Ancient City.

Aizanoi Ancient City, Zeus Temple. May Be Turkey’s Most Underrated Ancient City.

by TheBigKaramazov

  1. Well it’s not good for Turkish PR to have ancient Greek stuff be their most interesting sites. So be quiet šŸ¤.

  2. Iā€™ve been there and while it is quite nice, the surrounding area hasnā€™t been properly unearthed at all and the temple is rather small. Itā€™s just whatā€™s in the picture + iirc the cistern like thing underneath.

    Iā€™d say itā€™s also in the middle of nowhere so might be rough for foreigners to get there.

    Perge is the most underrated ancient city in Turkey imo. Itā€™s either that or something like the Temple of Apollo in Didim.

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