Americans aren’t spending like they used to, and it’s forcing a reckoning for companies from Starbucks to Whirlpool

Americans aren’t spending like they used to, and it’s forcing a reckoning for companies from Starbucks to Whirlpool

by lurker_bee

  1. Of course. It’s cyclical. Raise rates until the consumer finally surrenders. Which typically happens after consumers are drowning in debt from drinking their overpriced lattes everyday. Then when the consumer has surrendered you cut rates to get him back spending again.

  2. Also a race to increase profits by increasing margin. Whirlpool and Starbucks quality isn’t what it used to be.

  3. Spend, save, spend, save, not enough working, too many working, not enough working, too many working. Welcome to the schizophrenic state of America.

  4. Oh man. If only not buying from megacorporations was thought of as an answer to the kind predatory capitalism we live in today.

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