The greatest purchase of my life.

The UK insulation is no match for this beast

by backside_94

  1. I literally need to know everything about this. How much? Is it noisy? Do I have to have a long fucking wire to the power outlet going across my room? How big of an area will it cool down? Is it timed? Will it make my life less miserable? How much do you want for it?

  2. Ooh, check you with your posh sash windows.

    I vent mine through the letterbox in my tiny flat.
    (I can’t lie, it really takes the edge off.) fucked the pipe out the window, didn’t you?

  3. Had mine about 12 years, only use it about 2 weeks of the years but the best money I spent. Means you get a good night sleep for about £1 a night in a heatwave

  4. I was able to just have a fan running in the open window last night. But my AC unit has been working hard lately.

  5. We have one for our 6 year old.

    He makes us turn it off because it’s too loud.


  6. I bit the bullet and had AC installed in my bedroom it cost £1250.
    Which I appreciate is a big spend, but oh my goodness, my sleep quality has improved so much

  7. I’m going to give you all a life changing tip.

    Run it for 5 hours before you sleep. You can then turn it off, and the room will stay cool throughout the night.

  8. Upon moving flat we can’t use our portable aircon and I wanna die it’s so hot without it 😭

  9. Having an AC is like running a marathon, anyone who has owned/completed one will mention it at every opportunity.

  10. The fact some people in the UK now really need air con in the summer does make my climate anxiety flare up, I won’t lie

  11. It looks alright, but I don’t see why you’re particularly proud of the Windowsill

  12. Those are much better than those air coolers that use evaporation for cooling effect. It is not perfect as it blows out hot air, creating negative pressure in the room, so eventually external warm air needs to fill the room back. Daytime it is not very good for efficiency, but at the evening, where the outside temperature is more desirable, but for some reason the air chooses not to move, it is perfect. It cools the room and the outside air can get in and it is also cooler than my boiling room. Noisy? Yes. But when my bedroom is over 26-27 degrees, I choose not to sleep because of the noise and not because I am soaked in sweat.

    Running cost? Mine is running on 900-1200W, so each hour is about £0.25/h, so 10h run for £2.5. It is worth it.

    Also, they are super effective in winter time as a dehumidifier. Mine can collect liters of water from the air.

  13. When you turn it off does the room stay cool for a while? And if so what’s your secret because the second I turn my off my room instantaneously becomes a radiator again

  14. Which model is this mate, looking on Amazon now.

    I slept during the day the other day and woke with heatstroke. Been feeling like death. My fan just doesn’t cut it.

  15. No no no, you’re doing it all wrong.

    What you *actually* want to do is throw all the windows open on the south facing side of your house and let all the hot air in because it’s “fresh air”. Oh, and then you have to turn the a/c off because “it’s not doing anything”

    The above is the battle I have EVERY FRIGGING SUMMER with my wife who, bless her, is possessed of many great skills and knowledge in areas that leave me baffled, but is a bit thick when it comes to physics and the finer points of solar gain on older houses.

  16. I got one from Lidl the other week that is Wi-Fi enabled and links with home assistant. Uses about 500w to run which is typically when the solar panels have already charged the battery stack. So it’s costing me about 3.5p an hour to run.

    Worth every penny.

  17. My delonghi unit is single handedly the best purchase I’ve made since I bought my house lol. It is such good value.

  18. Our son sleeps in the attic, and we recently replaced his air conditioning unit since it died.
    Now it runs about 10 hours a Day and the cool air just descends down to our room and out daughters room.
    Maybe 5kwh a Day, its so amazing. I was planning on going for a unit for the other 2 bedrooms, but currently this seems good enough.

    Downstairs i dont mind as we dont sleep there

  19. Portable ones like this are conceptually a bit crap as you can’t buy them with air intake pipes, so the air that goes out the exhaust is air from the room that’s previously been cooled by the same unit…

  20. The last heat wave a few months back we bought one, not for us but for our 3 month old baby.

    He was absolutely miserable. Wouldn’t eat or sleep and really struggled in the heat. We hated the temperature, but for him, it’s the greatest purchase we ever made.

    When we haven’t used it for AC we have made more than good use of the dehumidifier, and in winter can use it for a heater if need be.

  21. I bought one last year in preparation for another hot summer like we had previously, only got about 3 days use out of it before the rest of summer was a washout.

    This year though, I’ve got more use out of it, however, highly annoying, it’s been on sale for the last few months for 49% off.

    I paid full whack for it last year for 3 days use 😅

  22. We got 2 from Klarstein. They’ve been life savers in the various heatwaves.

    The first one we kept moving from room to room all day. Then got tired of carrying it up the stairs and now got one on each floor.

  23. No way I’m getting to sleep with the window open.

    Either I’m day shift and need to go to bed early to get up before 05:00 or I’m nightshift and trying to sleep during the day. Either way I wouldn’t sleep through the outside noise.

  24. Amazing aren’t they. Makes it possible to sleep on hot humid nights like tonight.

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