Weißes Haus: Nawalny sollte im Rahmen eines Abkommens mit Russland ausgetauscht werden

Weißes Haus: Nawalny sollte im Rahmen eines Abkommens mit Russland ausgetauscht werden


  1. Isn’t it amazing that the US was willing to make a deal to get a Russian out of jail in his own country. I don’t care what anybody says, there’s no place I’d rather live.

  2. Navalny had a chance to stay in Germany after an attempted assassination. He chose to return to Russia to die in prison.

  3. It sucks that they didn’t have to take Tucker Carlson as part of the exchange.

  4. If he was somehow still alive. He probably would have had to still fall out of a window to get to freedom. With a bullet in his head.

  5. I read this initially as Navalny WANTS to be exchanged… and I was very confused as to how Navalny was making any of his desires known as a dead person.

  6. Why? Navalny isn’t Putin but the guy was still a white supremacist and imperialist. He never denounced the invasion of Crimea or Ukraine. Navalny said about Crimea that there is no going back now, which could be interpreted as he would have just continued the war. He campaigned on fixing election fraud and reducing corruption. Guess who else did that before he became a dictator, Aleksandr Lukashenko.

    Navalny said what he said because he wanted people to overthrow Putin and put him in power. I don’t think anything about his demeanor in any of his rallies or any of his actions have shown that he wouldn’t just use the office the same way that Putin is. I’ll never get the fascination with this guy. It’s like instead of picking an old imperialistic white supremacist you’re just picking a younger, better looking, and more charismatic imperialistic white supremacist.

  7. Nalvalny dying probably saved a couple of the small fry russian dissidents here as they were probably added to make up the difference. At least everyone here is worth it for the most part. I’m still annoyed we had to trade an arms dealer for a basketball player. 

  8. A lot of comments saying Navalny made a poor decision going back to Russia but in reality he knew Putin wasn’t going to let international borders get in the way of killing him. 

    He knew going back to Russia, and potentially dying in Russia, would have more impact for his cause than staying in Germany. 


  9. Does anyone wonder if western weapon restrictions is related to the exchange negotiations?

  10. Funny that Putin is attacking Israel for killing Ismail Haniyeh, a lifelong terrorist who Russia is painting as a “political leader”, and they’re silent on Navalny.

  11. This article’s a bit lacking in info, anyone got a link to another article talking about this?

  12. isn’t him being killed say’s everything you need to know regarding what russia thinks about deals with you, white house?

  13. Now I’m sad to know Navalny, his wife and family, could’ve been safe over here. As it is, he’s dead. 🥲

  14. We (the United States) should at least ask for the body and give him a hero’s burial.

  15. This reminds me of that kid that got in trouble with N. Korea. They made him a vegetable before they killed him. And all he did was some “graffiti”.
    Edit: he took a poster not graffiti.

  16. He would have gone right back to Russia, so could they spent that capital on someone else.

  17. Why, the guy was as useful as a broken penis. Good for pissing in the wind but little else

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