The weird thing

The weird thing

Posted by MmmisterBear

  1. from not knowing she was black, to just not knowing who the VP was for the last 4 years.

  2. Didn’t he say during his disastrous interview at the black journalists conference that he’s “known her for many many years”

  3. ‘Common symptoms of dementia include memory loss, problems with communication, visual and spatial difficulties, reasoning and problem-solving issues, trouble with planning and organizing, poor coordination, confusion, and disorientation.‘

  4. And a large number of people, Want this man to be President!


  5. Can you imagine a presidential candidate admitting he doesn’t know the current vice president’s full name and not losing a single vote?

  6. He didn’t know the name of the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

    That’s a “stable genius”?

  7. Interesting how years of trying to ignore, taking the high road, using facts all failed to deflate this guy. Use the word “weird” and all of a sudden… pphhthhhhhhpppttttttt… all the air is uncontrollably blowing out. It must be the casual, slightly contemptuousness of using a grade-school playground insult word that did it.

    You really DO have to meet people at their level.

  8. He must be quite the philanthropist to have donated money to the reelection campaign of a person he’s never heard of.

  9. Eh, he donated to her previous campaigns. Is he saying he doesn’t know to whom he contributes?

  10. I have friends in Europe that try very hard to avoid us politics that would have had no problem naming her before Biden was even elected. I think he’s going to have a really hard time with the person Man TV horse couch question next time.

  11. So, I work television… one of the unwritten rules is you do not super (another name for a lower third, or the text at the bottom of the screen that comes up with the persons name and position) the president or vice president… because we assume our viewers know who the president and vice president are.

  12. It’s weird that he doesn’t recall the name of the vice president of the United States, given he was there for the transition.

  13. He was a white man for all those years and all of a sudden he’s orange…. Someone should look into that.

  14. I think I figured it out. At the NABJ event, he maxed his storage on black faces. Totally wiped his drive on who Kamala was. It all makes sense. That’s why he thought she was only Indian. He was already mostly wiped at that point. He had metadata on Kamala and even that was fading. Tragic. It’s like y2k but for racists.

  15. Funny, if you check back on coverage of the 2020 election you can find Trump talking plenty about her after she became Biden’s running mate (and doing the same weird pronunciation thing he does now whenever he’d say “Kamala”.)

    Apparently this old man’s memory is failing. Perhaps the Republicans need a younger candidate.

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