Well, first of all, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner. You don’t even say hello. Who are you?

“Well, first of all, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner. You don’t even say hello. Who are you?”

Posted by Scuczu2

  1. I know this might be upsetting to you, but she literally isn’t black. It’s deranged that they’re marketing her that way

  2. What a terrible way to repsond to a question. HE then went on to ask if she was from ABC news. I truly hope he gets buried in the election.

  3. Hello, 911? This black woman is coming for my job. It’s an *invasion* of the White House. Please send help, and millions of dollars to help pay my legal bills.

  4. >Hello 911, I just found out there is a black woman running for President of the United States. I thought she might not be black but she turned black. Please help me!

  5. The interviewer did say hello and welcomed him. He forgot that part. Maybe he has dementia

  6. Pro tip: When you’re being interviewed and start attacking the interviewer instead of answering the question, you’re losing. 🤡

  7. Aha! THIS breaks the code! All Karens are Trump Cult members because he acts just like them!

  8. The interviewer actually did a greeting and thank you for taking the time at the beginning. I guess it wasn’t fawning enough for Pumpkin Tits.

  9. Mr. Grab them by the hooch all of a sudden cares about social niceties? That’s rich. The guy who calls opponents and people he doesn’t like by cruel nicknames pointing this out is just plain weird.

  10. I’m going to use this the next time I get pulled over, since it seems to work so well.

    Cop: “Do you know how fast you were going?”

    Me: “Well, first of all, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner. You don’t even say hello. Who are you?”

  11. Donald: “Hello 911? Yes, she said she was Indian, then she turned around and now she is black, she became black, which one is it, someone should look into that?”

    911 Operator: “Dispatcher, we have an elderly man who escaped from the retirement home”

  12. Maybe she should’ve just grabbed him by his pussy, apparently that doesn’t require a hello or how ya doin’ either.

  13. “Who are you?” My mother asked that question every 20 minutes or so. She had dementia, too.

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