Swedish cricket team

Swedish cricket team

by Opierarc

  1. The only people who play cricket in Sweden are Indian and Pakistani immigrants (literal doctors and engineers), so I don’t know what you expected

  2. You’re English.

    You of all people should know that the only ones who even have an idea of how to play crickets are yourself, Indians, Pakistanis and your respective diasporas.

  3. Did you expect anything else with a *cricket team*? Literally nobody in Sweden know how many players there are in a game, much less any rules.

  4. I see Sweden got some migrant workers as well to play that boring game that nobody wants too.

  5. Fun fact. Cricket was probably invented in Belgium, which would explain its daftness.

  6. Its the same in Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and more.

  7. “wants immigrants to support and contribute to their new country” immigrants go and literally represent said country in a sport “no not like that”

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