Die USA wollen den Wahlsieg der venezolanischen Opposition gegen Maduro anerkennen

Die USA wollen den Wahlsieg der venezolanischen Opposition gegen Maduro anerkennen


  1. All that diplomacy to give venezuela a real election… u.s literally gave maduro a choice – fair elections or sanctions remain.

    He chose himself and fucked a whole country to death

  2. Right call.

    The US made it very clear that they were happy to normalize relations and resume trade and processing Venezuelan oil, but Venezuela had to have free and fair elections.

    Ignoring reality and acting like Venezuela fulfilled its end of the bargain would look stupid.

  3. So the opposition claims to have most of the “actas” or polling station records showing the goods, and Maduro has yet to release those from official channels. It seems most Maduro allies have linked their recognizing his government on that verification.

    What will happen if this continues, and he doesn’t release them? Doesn’t he need countries like Brazil and Colombia to be on board given dependance on trade etc?

  4. That will show them!

    On a serious note, an intervention in Venezuela is necessary – they are destabilizing that entire region.

  5. The Venezuelan government better hope that they don’t have to see the opposition with the kind of drones Ukraine is using.

  6. Who had the Venezuelan election on their bingo card for the Franz Ferdinand flashpoint of WWIII?

  7. Like anything fucking matters now. The election could be 100% legit (and it’s pretty clear it most likely was since the only thing the opposition has are faulty resulys and exit polls that were all completely unofficial) but the western media has engraved “Maduro bad, US-backed fascist puppet ruler good” into most of the public’s minds.

    Not that it’s a shock; the west is thirsty for Venezuelan oil but won’t dare do trade with a nation who would ever consider giving the profits to the publoc before givingnit to corporations and oil barons. So gotta sanction the fuck out if them until we get our fascist puppet ruler into power!

  8. Damn, too bad we’re too broke to send over some Marines and just help them install a favorable government the way we used to back in the 60s.

  9. Pretty sure we know exactly how this is going to go. Exactly the same as it did with the whole Guaido thing, except probably with even less fuss.

    Rigged election happened. Maduro claimed victory. There’s domestic and international outrage. Maduro literally doesn’t care at all because he knows everyone wants his oil. No one is willing to do anything of any impact and the socialist dictator stays in charge.

    The only difference to 2018 is that then, *the country’s legislative assembly* rallied around one man (Guaido) and several countries recognized him as head of state. This time, other countries don’t have a convenient opposition figurehead to point to.

    The US may make a pathetic squeal of a protest, but ultimately they’ll shut up and buy the oil just like last time.

  10. American here. I have nothing to add, but my perspective.

    I find it complexing that I can see headlines of the US having confidence in other nations elections, but seems to have continuous dilemmas when it comes to our own elections regardless of the reality of the situation. 

    We (the US) really need to work on our credibly/ image if we want our word to mean anything.

  11. Unless you’re willing to put boots on the ground to enforce it then that recognition don’t mean squat…especially with the current administration driving

  12. Smells like 60s chile style cia anti socialist coup, especially now that the us recognizes the pro capital party

  13. When you lock up your opposition and not allow them to present evidence to a court, yeah you probably cheated. Good job Mr. Biden.

  14. The only way I see the US messing with Maduro is if he gets bold enough to force the Essequibo issue with Guyana. The size of that land grab would effectively make Guyana non functional as the remaining land mass would be tiny. It logistically challenging to invade so I suspect the odds are low.

    But you never know with a batshit crazy dictator trying to keep it together. There’s also the proxy war effect that his allies might push for. Guyana has powerful friends these days give their new found oil wealth and they wouldn’t stand for it.

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