Russian infantryman shoots himself after taking injury from a dropped munition. Published c. August 1, 2024

Russian infantryman shoots himself after taking injury from a dropped munition. Published c. August 1, 2024

by GermanDronePilot

  1. I guess he is still sitting there. Showing his comerades how fun his day was.

  2. Good technique but probally not instant maybe 6/10? Couldve been quicker tbh terrible speed running skills tho

  3. What a country. Russian would rather just eat a bullet before even checking to see how bad they’re wounded. I wonder if Ukraine could just pay them to do this to themselves. It’s almost like they are just looking for a reason to do it..Any reason will do. Two russians sitting in a trench with a cat: “Cyka Blyat!, this Ukrainian cat just scratched my arm Hold the cat for me while I eat a bullet from this rifle. If you’re lucky the cat will scratch you too!”

  4. We shall find a way to educate all the orcs that it is much easier and more convenient to do the same in Russia.

  5. Seems they don’t even allow for the possibility that they might get a medivac. Maybe they’re told by the commanders that send them out that there will be no evacuation for the injured, and that if you can’t make it back on your own, you may as well finish the job yourself. Second best army in the world, folks.

  6. This shit is fucking unreal to see, it’s just so morbidly fascinating. Not the death or gore but the quickness with which they make a decision to reach for their weapon, I think it has to be that they’ve already planned in their mind that if X happens and they get wounded, they’ll just finish themself off. The morale must be zero

  7. Another Potato bag for his son Mikhail and his wife Maria opportunity to marry a Richer man. (Sad truth but it’s true)

  8. Sure gave up his big dream for a new Lada with that bonus check pretty quickly. Must not have wanted it badly enough. Good decision though.

  9. I swear these guys eat so many bullets I’m sure they think they will just respawn back on the coast 🤣

  10. Good. Saved another drone or grenade to finish him off. And precluded some quasi-humanist from spouting Geneva convention articles or ROE about the drone operator committing war crimes by ‘finishing him off’ with another hit . . .

  11. I know it’s been said many times but it impresses me how fast these morons choose to off themselves

  12. They just don’t have any defense against the drones. We need to add thousands of small attack drones to the US military.

  13. It’s quite ironic. The original version of that melody is a military march from the austrian empire called “Under the double headed eagle”… …an imperial symbol russia still uses in its coat of arms.

  14. Why do so many Russians do this? Has there been any theories that rely on proof/facts or just guesses? Has there been Ukrainian examples of this as well or is it an exclusive Russian thing?

  15. I have a question, probably dumb. Why don’t any Russian soldiers seem to carry side arms?

    Is it a logistics issue, and they don’t have them?

    Are they only for Sr ranks?

    They sell them for hooch?

    All the videos I’ve seen are them ending it with a rifle or grenade*

    Edit: spelling

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