[OC] The Grand Timeline: Data Visualization of the Entire History of Crypto

Posted by stepahin

1 comment
  1. Hi there! This is my historical research project and a massive data visualization covering the entire history of Crypto. It’s like writing a book but as a designer. I’ve been working on this as a side project for 3 years, off and on. There’s no team, company, or sponsor behind it. A lot has already been done, but it’s still a rough draft / alpha / work in progress stage. Now, I want to show the community my current progress, ask for feedback, and find support and sponsors.

    The project lives in Figma where I work on it publicly. The minimum plan is to finish a static digital poster + a physical “small” poster, and a full-size 8m / 320-inch wide canvas for readability of all the tiny text. But If I find enough funding, I’ll create an interactive version with UI.

    This is like public goods. Right now, things aren’t going very well for me, and I decided to publish this project to try to find support for it (or just a new job, I’m a product designer). I would be very grateful for any feedback. There is more about the project and how to support inside Figma.

    [Zoom it in Figma](https://www.figma.com/design/pENhenndHyIMwzW2LgKzNd/The-Grand-Timeline?node-id=0-1&t=HOngM77uNCs6bV8p-1), open for open to everyone.

    [Long read](https://x.com/stepahin/status/1817955760753594557) on Twitter how it all started and why I am doing this.

    [Timelapse over 3 years](https://youtu.be/lkVy6JzlyNY) on Youtube as “proof-of-work”.

    And most importantly I would really appreciate any feedback on what can be done better here. Thank you!

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