Oh Jesus. Something to invade grammas Trump feeds

Oh Jesus. Something to invade grammas Trump feeds

Posted by willywalloo

  1. *that* is fucking hilarious. I can just see the forehead veins popping and hear the teeth grinding.

  2. God probably was a minority woman and boy is she fucking pissed at those old white fuckers

  3. I like it… I like it a lot. Two can play this game 👍! Edit: Autocorrect took over.

  4. Some right-winger will see this and be like “see they’re a cult too” without realizing that this is satire.

  5. Funny think is that my crazy conservative relative on FB thinks the world is going to end if she gets elected as president.

  6. I think shit like this is gross but I also think it will trigger the hell out of MAGA cultists, so carry on.

  7. I’m been referring to the annoying orange as the goddamn Yankee carpetbagger. It works pretty well too

  8. Just no. Satire or not, Democrats need to avoid anything overly religious or jingoistic.

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