US-Außenminister Blinken: „Überwältigende Beweise“ für González-Sieg bei Präsidentschaftswahl in Venezuela

US-Außenminister Blinken: „Überwältigende Beweise“ für González-Sieg bei Präsidentschaftswahl in Venezuela

  1. Let’s say what he said is true. So what? China has an old saying that scholars are useless, only talk and no action.

  2. Does it matter what the election says if the government has the guns and the people are unarmed?

  3. This feels hard for Maduro to argue against. Is this story different than their elections like 6 years ago? Was there not the same evidence then?

  4. You knew the dictator wouldn’t step down. I guess the people need to revolt or at least somehow turn the military against him.

  5. The US should stay the fuck out. This looks like a quagmire in the making.

  6. Don’t worry, Maduro asked the Supreme Court to review. I’m sure the very same court that once decided that the real legislature was being too mean to maduro and allowed him to create another fake one that would do everything he wants the real legislature to do will be much more impartial this time around 👍👍

  7. It’s unimportant headlines being pushed through multiple channels like this that should have you questioning which important headlines aren’t being pushed right now.

  8. Not much the international community can do without a massive negative backlash.

    The military over there calls the shots, and maduro has the backing of russia, china, enough that he feels confident in telling the embassies of respective countries to sod off.

  9. This Venezuela situation is just another reminder that socialists have never once created a worker’s state or anything resembling a dictatorship of the proletariat. Cuba, China, Soviet Union, the entire Eastern Bloc. None of them have ever fulfilled their promises.

  10. 16 people killed and 1200 jailed, but let’s wait a little longer just in case! WTF?

  11. The last election I remember the US saying was fraudulent was the 2016 US Presidential election.

  12. Wow, US gonna do another coup? Ukraine not enough on your plate? There’s overwhelming evidence Blinken is a genocidal maniac.

  13. Is this the same Blinken who thinks the Israelis are not committing mass murder in Gaza? Because I don’t believe a word he says.

  14. Remember when we used to pretend that the global community wanted to enforce a level of doing right by a countries democratic elections back in the 90’s?

    There is no pretending anymore, countries can just do and say what they like these days as long as resource trade isnt disrupted.

  15. Then the official president elect of Venezuela needs to reach out to the US government for a lend lease program for weaponry

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