‘He’s Grasping Around’: Trump’s Running Out of Ideas And Throwing Everything at Kamala Harris on Truth Social—Nothing Is Working

‘He’s Grasping Around’: Trump’s Running Out of Ideas And Throwing Everything at Kamala Harris on Truth Social—Nothing Is Working

‘He’s Grasping Around’: Trump’s Running Out of Ideas And Throwing Everything at Kamala Harris on Truth Social—Nothing Is Working

Posted by inewser

  1. How about actually discussing some popular policies. Oh right, everything you want to do is deeply unpopular.

  2. Waddles thought he’d cruise through campaign season doing his standard act, with the insult comedy, bizarre riffs and deranged wiggle dances. Plus he had the whole ear photo-op on his side. Then Biden dropped out, and all of a sudden Flabuloso had to work for a living again. And he’s panicking, because he can’t do his Sleepy Joe bits, and he can’t attack a black female without looking like a shitheel. And on top of that, he has no legitimate platform to fall back on, either. Suddenly, he’s the old codger, and his insult comedy routine looks dated and nonsensical. And he’s mad about it.

  3. I have to admit, it baffles me that NOBODY in the ranks of the GOP had a plan in case Harris entered the race.

  4. Team Kamala executing plan: “I’m rubber you’re glue, everything you say bounces off of me and sticks onto you.”

  5. This is what happens when the only platform you have is hate. You take away a bullies power, and they have nothing.

    It’s about time someone gave th8s POS back everything that he deserves.


  6. He tried everything he has at the NABJ press conference, from “all of sudden she turned black” to “drill baby drill”. He has nothing. He’s done. Don’t take my word for it. We don’t need any pundits interpreting this for us. Just watch the half hour video. Consider it primary research. Then VOTE!

  7. He (and his base) don’t have anything other than “she banged the mayor of SF”, “she didn’t go to the border” and “she giggled during an interview.”

  8. Imagine if (insert presidential candidate) just campaigned their beliefs and ideas on how or why they think they deserve to win, instead of just looking for personal attacks and insults to the other team.

  9. Trump fatigue is real except for his cult base. So over this lunatic. Tired of hearing about him. Enough.

  10. Doe 174 the Criminal,Rapist, Felon,Weird Smelly Old Racist can’t accuse The Veep of something he’s been credibly accused and convicted of.

  11. He should definitely spend the rest of the campaign arguing that she is not really black. That is a sure winner.

  12. What would expect from a desperate criminal coming up against a former prosecutor?

    Flailing like his life literally depends on it.

  13. His time is over. He hijacked a political party and made it his own. GOP could have been rid of him four years ago but they are going to crash and burn all because of their blind allegiance to a weird fucking loser.

  14. Racist piece of shit. Him and everyone that follows him. No one has to prove shit to that pussy ass orange mother fucka.

  15. No other presidential candidate has had more on the line than Donald J Trump. I mean, if he loses the election, those cases against him are going to move so fast he won’t know what to do. Now, if the Democrats take back the house and Senate and put the Supreme Court back in check, we won’t have to worry about the Republican traitors anymore. Finally America can be saved.

  16. All he knows is how to be a bully. And she’s not going to be bullied by him, couch lover, or anyone else. She already told him “if you have something to say, say it to my face”. Does he really think that any name he calls her, any comments about her sex, or color of her skin are things she hasn’t been called before, or hasn’t had those things to her before?
    When you stand up to a bully, they lose their power. And that’s what’s happening.

  17. It’s also only been a week. I hope that child-raping son of a bitch goes down but there’s still a lot of time for something to go wrong

  18. When he runs out of insults he will try to get states to withhold electors and bring lots of lawsuits. His goal is to get the election overturned in his Supreme Court. Otherwise He might just lose the electoral college vote but somehow get the vote to the House where each state gets one vote. His intention is to overthrow American democracy. He has Putin and Orban on his side. They count for a lot of votes.

  19. I’m glad most people seem to finalize realize how he’s just a creepy pervy old man who repeats the same lies over and over and never answers a direct question. And when he does get asked a policy question, he calls the interviewer names since he’s too dumb to answer. I cant believe anyone could ever support this truly awful man.

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