USA erkennen Oppositionskandidat als Sieger der Präsidentschaftswahlen in Venezuela an

USA erkennen Oppositionskandidat als Sieger der Präsidentschaftswahlen in Venezuela an

  1. Can anyone share some objective sources? The US doesn’t have a great track record in South America and nothing I’ve seen looks legit

    Edit: I’m getting downvoted for asking for sources? Thanks

  2. Crazy, glad a person trying to stay in power after losing the election would never happen in the good old US of A.

  3. Good. I followed the elections in real time and I saw *many* electoral colleges showing an overwhelming preference for González.

    Maduro is a dictator and should be thrown out somehow.

  4. Before some people start asking “Why?”, basically Maduro has provided no proof 4 days after the elections. Absolutely none, apart from their made-up percentages. On the other hand, the opposition provided all of the “actas” (like ballots from each voting center) that they could get, that are publicly available online and have the signatures of the witnesses (both opposition and government ones) present on each voting center. This is around 82% of the votes.

    Maduro is even trying to imprison both Maria Corina and Edmundo (the candidate and the opposition leader), and already imprisoned a very large amount of protesters and some other politicians. Maduro says he has not released these ballots because “North Macedonian hackers attacked the electoral system”, despite providing no proof of theses claims. They also started imprisoning some of these witnesses just because they are from the opposition.

    People may say that the opposition could fake the ballots. They could try that, but why hasn’t the government just refuted the ballots with their “real data”?

    Pretty much all of the West is pressing Maduro to show the real ballots. They could, but they obviously wont until they are able to make some that will match their percentages. Just by the fact that almost 5 days have passed and not a single one has been provided by them is already suspicious enough.

    If anyone wants to check out the ballots provided by the opposition, the website can be found [in this tweet]( Can’t link it directly because it may get deleted by Reddit filters.

  5. CIA-backed propaganda. The US is still trying to back a coup in Venezuela. They’re incompetent.

  6. What a shock,they already did that before with that Guaido guy… It won’t work,fuck off,no oil for western imperialists…

  7. I wonder what would happen if Venezuela (or any other nation) started recognizing the US presidential candidates that lost the POTUS election.

    Russia extends a warm congratulations to President Gore.

  8. “US recognizes their interest in Venezuela’s Oil reserve’s and will install a puppet government to make sure their interests are attained.”

  9. I saw the vice episode and we met a woman from Venezuela who escaped recently. She said it is bad as they say you can’t get access to food and basic necessities it’s all horded and controlled by corrupt officials.

    It’s funny how this whole thing is playing out very much like Jack Ryan 2nd season which was from a few years ago. If you watch that season now you will basically get to see a “prenactment.”

  10. Venezuela recognizes the opposition candidate as the winner of US presidential election in 2020.

  11. >The United States stands with the people of Venezuela who expressed their voice in today’s historic presidential election. The will of the Venezuelan people must be respected. Despite the many challenges, we will continue to work toward a more democratic, prosperous, and secure future for the people of Venezuela.

    —Kamala Harris, July 28, 2024

  12. 5 years from now Hasan will use this as an example of the US suppressing the peoples desire for socialism.

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