Russians put out a wanted poster on a Ukrainian partisan, who dresses up in a russian military uniform and kills russian soldiers after offering them rides.

Russians put out a wanted poster on a Ukrainian partisan, who dresses up in a russian military uniform and kills russian soldiers after offering them rides.

by 8BallCoronersPocket

  1. We need more invisible killers like this, silently stalking Ruzzian invaders behind the scenes.

  2. You can tell it’s him because his steel balls throw sparks under the car as he drives.

  3. Good for him he gave the Kapsats their last ride while the Russians shoot and kill anything that move.

  4. Why in english, though? Aren’t they missing their target audience this way? Or are there already so many non-russian fighters that English has become lingua franca on the russian side?

  5. This guys AWESOME! I wish there was a go fund me, to help supplement his activities

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