turkey banned instagram today

turkey banned instagram today


by Quzubaba

  1. this screenshot was taken from the website of the official government agency responsible for internet affairs

    no official statement has been made yet regarding the reason

  2. Probably tired of all the memes with the Turkish shooter at the Olympics, time to shut it down to take a break from the internet

  3. I’m on the fence with this one.

    One the one side government power abuse etc.

    On the other hand my impression is that Instagram’s impact, psychologically and in the real world is mostly negative, and the only people who profit from it outside of the company are “influencers” whose business model is basically lying all day. So the world would probably be better off without it.

  4. Good move. The only people who lose with this are influencers making thrash content and thirst trap reels.

  5. “Hey our tourism is in the gutter, what should we do?”

    “Ban the app people use to brag about their vacay!”

  6. Again? Or was it twatter last time they banned? In principle I don’t have a problem with it, provided they also ban other cancerous apps as well, such as tiktok, otherwise its just Erdogun playing dicktator.

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